Chapter Seven: Grian

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I said Grian would meet the rest of the Hermits.

I never said when.


Some boats are like ships. There are different types. Grian and Xisuma are on a simple type, the classic Minecraft boat.

I know I said no warnings, but this one gets one because it's something I didn't mention at the beginning. Vomit. Not too descriptive, don't worry.

WC: ~815 (Forgot to mention, but the WC is only the story. Not these little notes. This applies to every chapter.)


Grian sat in the back of the boat with his knees huddled against his chest. Xisuma and him floated across the water under the morning sun, and Grian couldn't help but feel at peace. Grian was lost in his own thoughts and was sure Xisuma was too.

"Where are we going?" Grian asked Taurtis. They were sitting in a decent boat, larger than average and complete with a steering wheel and an anchor. Netty had lent it to them.

"Down!" Taurtis yelped, trying to regain control of the boat. "Scud! Boats are so bad in this version, hang on!" The boat spun in the water, making Grian feel violently ill.

"What would you do if I threw up?" Grian gagged. 

"Not on the steering wheel!" Taurtis yelled. Grian tried to choke it down, but...

"SERIOUSLY G?" Taurtis screamed. "I CAN'T SEE!"


The ocean looked red.

Why was the ocean red?

"I think it's the sunset," Taurtis said, trying to wipe the stuff from his eyes.

"I think we're going to the Nether," Grian said at the same time.

The boat spun, and Grian grabbed the wheel.

"Here, let me just," Grian mumbled, trying to steer the wet and slippery wheel. Grian carefully brought them out of the hard currents and into a more calm area. Until...

"I'VE LOST CONTROL!" Grian cried, tightening his grip. 

"AGAIN?" Taurtis shouted, grabbing for the wheel himself. Snap. Taurtis stared at the broken wheel in his hands.

"This is fine," Grian muttered. Taurtis gave a small laugh and stared out onto the water.

"Gri, is that... a rock?" Taurtis asked, pointing at a large point in the stream. Grian squinted at it and then realized.

"That's a rock. How do we get out of here?" Grian asked, glancing around. 

"Wings, Grian!" Taurtis reminded him. "Can't you use your wings?" Grian smiled. Living with the Evo members often made Grian forget who he was.

In the best way possible.

Grian wrapped his arms around Taurtis and took off, abandoning the boat.

"Netty's gonna kill us," Taurtis mumbled, staring at the boat as it crashed into the rock.

"That doesn't matter, for now," Grian responded confidently. "Ew Taurtis, I might need to drop you. Vomit is no joke."

"Don't you dare!" Taurtis yelled, gripping Grian even harder, who laughed.

"Scared of heights?" the Watcher teased.

"If you let go, Grian, I swear-"

"Oh hush, I would never let you go."

Grian sighed, staring at the water as deja vu overtook him. Although Netty had practically killed them, and although he and Taurtis were unable to smell anything other than salty vomit for the next few days, it was still fun.

It felt like everything was with Taurtis.

"Something wrong, Grian?" Xisuma asked, turning his head around.

"No, it's nothing," Grian told him. Xisuma gave a small nod and continued rowing.

"Do you want to trade jobs or something?" Grian said, realizing he was just sitting there and being a dead weight. Nothing new there.

"Oh no, we're almost there anyway," Xisuma assured him. Grian shifted in his seat subconsciously, but then didn't say any more.

"Oh for goodness sakes," Grian muttered over the laughter. 

"What? This is a bun-ch of fun!" Taurtis teased, proudly showing off his hotdog outfit. Rowan, who was already on the floor, dying of laughter, burst out into another fit at the 'bun' pun.

"That wasn't even that good!" Grian snapped, a smile toying at his lips.

"I know, but Rowan likes it," Taurtis said with a shrug. "Hotdog suit, bad hotdog puns! Speaking of puns, I'm falling behind on them! I really need to ketch-up." Taurtis winked at the line, sending Rowan into another fit of hysterical laughter.

"Make it stop!" he choked out from his place on the floor. "I can't- the puns- Taurtis wins!"

"Oh come on!" Grian protested as Taurtis cheered. "I make this epic tentacle, and Taurtis comes here dressed as a hotdog and does some clever wordplay, and then he wins?"

"Yes!" Taurtis, Rowan, and Dom all said at once. Grian rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face is unignorable.

"Don't be a sore loser, G," Dom teased. 

"Oh you little-" Grian shoved the red-hoodied man playfully.

"Puns claim the victory!"  Taurtis yelled, pumping a bun-colored fist in the air.

"Of course they do,"

Grian gave a soft laugh at the memory. They had been playing a minigame that Grian had made, once they had shown him the portals. Green rifts that could be opened at will that would take you to a flat, empty green land. You had infinite access to resources, though you couldn't take them back to Evo. You could also levitate, which took Grian multiple times to get the hang of. And breaking everything with just your fist, Grian and Taurtis had a bit of fun when Taurtis first showed Grian that. It was really nice for playing games and building practice. Or both in one.

"We're here," That was Xisuma. Grian looked to see they had arrived at land. 

"Time to meet all of the Hermits."

Both of the flashbacks actually happened. If you know which videos, then I want to pat you on the back. Hint: Neither were Evo videos. But we're pretending they were Evo.


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