Chapter Eighteen: Grian

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Heyo! We're back!

I want to change the title of this story. 'Watched' just seems too... how do I say this... well, it's about Watchers, and then Watched...

Yeah, no.

So, if you have any suggestions for a new title, please drop them in the comments! I already have an idea, but I'd love to see yours!

I had to do a combat scene here, and it made me realize how INEXPERIENCED I am with human combat scenes. My goodness!

WC: ~750 (shrugs) 


Footsteps on stone.

Quick, panicked breaths.

Worry in the air.

Fear in his eyes.

Doubtful thoughts.

Racing heart.

The thumping of shoes on rock.

The thumping getting faster.

And faster.

All of this was happening far too quickly for Grian, and frankly, he couldn't really think about it. He wasn't completely sure where he was running, his brain was just on autopilot. He just needed to get to Mumbo.


What if he's already dead? Grian's thoughts stressed. Oh, why did we split up? I wish I had a communicator, then I could check if he was dead. Dying hurts more than I thought. It-

Wait, is it night?

It could be night at the surface.

Night means mobs...

Mobs mean death...

Spawn death means permadeath...


No, no, he'll respawn in the house.


Did we close the door?

I can't remember...

Do mobs go inside houses?

I have to make sure he's okay.

Another shriek. 

He's alive!

For now.

Grian dashed around a corner. He would use his wings, as it was faster, but the caves were too tight and unpredictable for that. Silently wishing the caves were bigger, Grian continued his sprint. He came into an open cavern-

Only to run face-first into a zombie.

Like an idiot.

The mob raised its arms threateningly at Grian, who was now knocked to the ground. Grian was quick to draw his sword, but failed to block the zombie's hit. Blood splattered on the rock, and Grian quickly stabbed the undead creature before it could do any more damage, sending greyish-red blood to accompany Grian's cyan blood. Watcher blood. 

"Grian!" the Watcher whipped around at his name. At the end of the cavern was none other than Mumbo, huddled on a ledge surrounded by various mobs. Mumbo looked heavily injured, and the mobs were preventing him from going anywhere. Laying next to him was a broken sword stained with zombie blood.

Grian grabbed his mask-stars and flung them one after another, catching two zombies in the head and splattering Mumbo with even more grey-red blood. The zombies, now uninterested in Mumbo, turned in the direction of the stars, leading them to Grian.

The Watcher raised his sword, poised to attack, and...

A baby zombie came running at him at the speed of light.

"Gah!" Grian yelped, swinging his iron sword at the baby. Its head came off under the blade of the sword, violently spurting that dusty-looking blood. Grian quickly turned his attention to the rest of the mobs. Five zombies. One skeleton. Why are there so many zombies?

Grian swung his sword, catching a zombie in the chest. It groaned, injured but not dead. Another zombie came at him from behind, and Grian had to spin around to stab it before it could rip his wings apart. The Watcher dodged an arrow, barely. Grian flinched as he felt a couple of feathers rip off his wings, pierced by the arrow. 

Grian took care of the rest of the zombies, grey-red blood splattering onto his face and blurring his vision. Grian wiped the blood from his eyes, hoping there wasn't any sort of damage.

"Are you okay?" Mumbo's voice sounded worried. Grian kicked the body of one of the zombies aside.

"Yeah. Let's light this place up," he replied, grabbing his torches. Mumbo climbed down from the rock, wincing.

"Are you okay?" Grian asked. Both of them were injured, now that he thought about it. Grian had been clawed across the chest, was bleeding from his left arm, and had some smaller cuts in other places. Mumbo had a scratch on his cheek and right arm, and his suit was bloodstained on his back. It looked as if he had taken some hard hits, and his face was twisted into pain.

"I'm fine," Mumbo muttered, wincing again as he went to light up another area. 

"No, you're not," Grian told him, grabbing Mumbo's arm to stop him from walking away. "Sit down." Mumbo hesitated, then sighed and sat down on a rock. Grian turned to continue lighting up the caves when...


Grian felt his stomach sink at the voice. Not only was it another Hermit, which was not what he wanted to see, but he recognized the voice. It wasn't Xisuma, or Stress, or Iskall, no. It wasn't anyone he had spoken to.

It was the voice of one of the people who held his arms behind his back when he first arrived.

And Mumbo's reply didn't make it any better, only gave the voice a name.


Cliffhangers go brrrrrrr-

Sorry not sorry. 

Actually, remove that first 'sorry'.

Not sorry.


Redemption (A Hermitcraft AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora