Chapter Thirteen: Rendog

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*gasp* nEw PErSpEciTivE?

Yep! :)

Keep in mind, this is ALSO half a chapter, so it'll be a bit shorter. 13-12.5=0.5!

This chapter is... something.

WC: ~860


"Are you sure he's asleep?" Doc hissed. "And not watching us?" Mumbo sighed.

"Yes, Doc," the Redstoner grumbled. "I'm sure." 

"Remind me why we've all been called here in the middle of the night for a meeting?" Cleo asked. It was Xisuma's turn to sigh. 

Hermit meetings weren't an uncommon thing. They were used to see where there were issues in the server. Glitches, bugs, entity problems, all of those were rather common in a server, which meant they had to be tended to. The meetings were also used to discuss what was going on at each member's base, to talk about redstone and building techniques. They were really great if you just wanted to see your fellow Hermits that lived on the other side of the continent.

They were not so great when they were held in the middle of the night.

To discuss the weirdest intruder ever.

"You all have been called here today," Xisuma began. "To discuss Grian. Not 'the Watcher'. Grian." Xisuma narrowed his eyes (or, at least, it sounded like it) at Doc as he said this. 

"You're acting like he's just our newest Hermit," False flared back, earning a glare from Mumbo, of all people.

"Maybe he will be," the British man pointed out spitefully. A couple of skeptical heads turned his way, but Mumbo ignored them.

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves here," Ren spoke up.  "Newest Hermit? Come on, dudes." Mumbo sighed again.

"What are we going to do with him, though?" Scar asked. "I don't want to dump him back in the End..." Doc raised an eyebrow at him.

"You haven't even met him!" the German snapped. 

"Neither have you," Scar noted. "And here you are, speaking against him." 

Doc's glare could've wilted flowers.

"Okay," Stress started. "Scar. Why don't you want him back in the End?" 

"I don't think anyone should be forced to live with them," A shudder travelled throughout Scar's body at the word, although he kept his chin high. A murmur of agreement was sent through the group, but only from some of the nicer Hermits.

"How do we know he won't backstab us the moment he gets the chance?" False argued. Mumbo squirmed at this, though Ren was pretty sure most of the Hermits didn't notice.

"He seems like a good guy," Iskall offered. "But I just can't shake the feeling of omega-doom around him." 

"I think we should keep him here," Impulse spoke for the first time that meeting. "Think logically, guys. Would you rather have a Watcher on our side, or a Watcher that has a reason to hate us? If we kick him out, the other Watchers will get him. They'll make sure he never escapes again. He might be used against us! Isn't it safer to just... keep him?" Impulse glanced around at the Hermits after this, surveying their expressions.

"He has a point," Tango agreed. "How fast do you guys wanna die? We got super fast, by keeping him here. We got medium fast, by getting rid of him. Or we got kinda long-ish by killing him ourselves!" A small, unstable chuckle was sent throughout the group.

"Actually, what if we did kill him?" Jevin asked. "What's the worst that could happen?" 

"He'll... respawn." Mumbo said slowly, his expression morphing into confusion. Ren was rather confused as well. Grian respawned, just like the rest of them. 

"Spawn killing," False explained. "Kill him enough, and then he's actually gone. What if we did that?" The confusion on Mumbo's face turned into pure horror.

"That's horrible!" Mumbo sounded desperate. "We wouldn't do that!"

Glancing around at the Hermit's faces, Ren was convinced otherwise.

"Is he possessing you or something?" Doc asked. "Why are you so sure he's different?" Mumbo shook his head.

"You have to talk to him," he mumbled. "We're judging him for what he is, not who. Also, I learned something today: I can't be a decent human being without being accused of getting possessed. Come on, Doc." 

"Fine," Doc grumbled. "But I don't trust him. Need I remind you guys of what happened last time?" 

A collective wince was sent throughout the entire group.

"Grian isn't like that," Iskall argued. "You have to talk to him, dudes. He's different, I swear."

"I want to," Ren piped up after a small beat of silence. "I trust you guys. Maybe having him around won't be so bad after all?" 

"We are a group," Xisuma said after a minute. "We work together. Let's put it to a vote." Murmurs of agreement spread throughout them.

"Well, I vote he leaves," Doc spoke up, earning a couple of whispers. False pressed her lips together.

"I think... he should stay," she mumbled, sending a wave of shocked sounds throughout the Hermits. "I'd rather have an ally than an enemy." 

Slowly, one by one, the Hermits gave their votes an opinions. Doc wasn't the only one to say he should leave. But...

"Then he stays," Xisuma concluded, a smile in his voice. "It's settled." There were nods of agreement, even from those for who voted otherwise.

"Now we wait," Ren murmured. "And see what happens next."

It really is going to be an odd season.

There you go! Done! Woo! Ihavenothingelsetosay-


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