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The next day, as Natalie was putting her thing in the locker, Jake and Amari came." Hi sisters." Jake greeted that startled Avery and Natalie.

" What the f-" Natalie was about to curse when Avery covered her mouth." Ssshhh." Avery said before moving her hand away from Natalie's mouth.'

" Jake, stop the jump scares." Avery said." Sheesh, sorry." Jake apologized." Did you almost cuss?" Amari asked.

" Yeah, I did. Probably." Natalie said rolling her eyes." Woah. The sass." Jake said." Woke up in the wrong side of the bed?" Amari asked." What's wrong?" Jake asked.

" I don't feel like talking. I'll see you guys later." Natalie said then left." What happened?" Amari asked Avery. Avery handed Jake one of the old pictures of him and his friends from Natalie's photo album.

" She was looking at it last night." Avery said." Awe, Babe, you look so young in there." Amari said looking at the photo." Well yeah, dummy, it was in 8th grade. We're in 3rd year college. Just kidding, I love you." Jake said with a giggle.

" I think it's because of Sophia, Bella, Avery, and Emma ran away without saying a goodbye." Amari said." She said it last night." Avery said.

" Your little sis has a lot going through inside her head." Amari said and Avery nodded." I wish I could do something." Avery said.

At lunch, the Harpers joined Max, Oliver, Liam, Cassie, and Liv. They were chatting for awhile, when everyone who received notifications started laughing.

The group looked at their phones and saw Liv's pictures when she was young. 

lilychee: look what I have found, it's Fatty Liv Liv, there's no way Liam will look at you the same ever again

Lily's post of Liv's pictures when she was 12 caused laughter. Liv felt a lot of pressure. Her heart was pounding, having a panic attack. She felt like her chest was closing and couldn't breath.

As she looks around, her head was spinning. It felt like she was gonna explode. Liam and her friends started talking to her, reassuring her not to listen to them.

It pisses Natalie off, thinking Liv's gonna go through the same thing all over again by this picture reminding her the past.

Natalie stood up and looked around the cafeteria." Natalie, come back here." Avery said trying to stop Natalie but there's no stopping her now.

" Lily Chee, the perfect girl." Natalie called walking towards the Elite's table." Take. This. The. Fuck. Down." Natalie said showing Lily's post, everyone were surprised by Natalie cursing, because like I said, they were the innocent girls 2 years ago.

" Where did you even find this?  Are you really that obsessed to ruin someone?!" Natalie asked." Oh wait, I shouldn't have asked. You are desperate and thirsty for love you'll never have because of your shitty personality." Natalie said.

" Natalie, it isn't worth it." Avery said." No, it is. Let's put her in her place." Natalie said." I'm gonna explain it to you one by one." Natalie added.

" First of all, what you did was Body-shaming someone. And you know where you could go? Jail. Body-shaming, Fat shaming- whatever you want to call it. It'll lead you to only one place. And second of all. It was a wrong move to post it on your social media- main account rather. You know how dumb you look right now? It's another case for cyber-bullying. Another reason for you to go to jail. And third, have you forgot that Liv's dad is a senior partner in Law firm? They can file a case against you. Lastly, if you feel insecure, why would you take it out on anybody? You have friends who supports you. Unless you're all being fake to each other like Kalani, Kendall, and Jojo." Natalie said.

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