FC: 38

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Saturday morning, Liam went for a jog with Max and Oliver." 1 more lap?" Oliver asked." Tired already?" Max teased then Liam laughed.

" I'm not tired. I'm hungry." Oliver said." Alright, we can go to S&N right after the last lap." Liam said." I'll just call Liv to meet us there." Liam said.

They did go for another lap before heading to S&N." Hey Boys." Liv said sitting alone by the usual booth.

" How's everyone doing?" Liv asked while Liam kissed her cheek then sitting down next to her.

" Starving." Oliver said." Good thing I already ordered for you guys." Liv said as she gestured the food on their table.

As they eat, they chatted about school and other stuff." Felt like the fresh start 2 years ago. No Cassie, No Harpers, just the 4 of us." Liv said.

" And FC has gone quiet." Oliver said." We're not sure about that." Max said." Who knows... Maybe FC has just been planning on something big." Liam said.

" I really wanna start investigating who is FC." Liam said." I've started making this Investigation board." Liam said.

" You borrowed your dad's Investigation board?" Oliver asked." What?! No. I bought my own cork board... I ordered it in Amazon." Liam said.

The group raised their eyebrows." It's 50% off. It's a big deal." 

" Y'all don't know how to save money." Liam added then they laughed." Whatever you do. I'll support you." Liv said placing her hand on top of his.

Liam smiled and held her hand before looking at the boys." Are you in?" Liam asked." Is that even a question?" Max asked." Heck yeah!" Oliver yelled, hyped.


In an empty dance studio, Avery stood in front, hearing a few people laughing and talking. She took the courage she has and entered the building with a smile.

" Kaycee! You're finally here." Tessandra said. Kaycee grew a big smile giving Tessandra a hug." Supposed you've known Sean for a long time already. He told me you guys were Best friends since Middle school." Tessandra said.

Avery turned to Sean and nodded." Yeah." Avery said." Well then, let's go start." Tessandra said. 

After awhile of teaching the choreography. " Sean, you're gonna take her hands and lift her up..." Tessandra instructed them.

Sean nodded, extending his arms, waiting to hold Avery's hands. Eyes locked with each other. Avery was hesitant, thinking about what would Natalie feel.

" Is there something wrong, Kaycee?" Tessandra asked, snapping Avery in her thoughts." Oh, uhm... yeah. I just don't feel good right now... maybe because of practicing. Can we continue it on some other time?" Avery asked.

" Of course, of course. If you feel sick right now, we can continue it maybe on Monday." Tessandra said." Yeah, that sounds perfect. Thank you." Avery said.

Tessandra nodded and packed up her things then left. Avery sat down on a chair." Are you ok?" Sean asked, standing in front of her.

" I- I just need to go home." Avery stuttered as she grabbed her bag and standing up from her seat. Sean stepped in front of her.

" Is there something wrong I did?" He asked." No, so please, I need to go." Avery said walking pass him. Sean was left alone.


Meanwhile, Natalie sat alone in a café. The door flung open to reveal Jaycee ordering her usual coffee when she saw Natalie all alone.

She smirked as Natalie saw her." Natalie Harper, what a coincidence to see you here all alone." Jaycee said." What do you need?" Natalie asked, crossing her arms.

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