FC: 61

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(A/N: Hey everyone, before you read this chapter, regarding to Erik saying he found the dog's head inside the fridge. I have watched their documentary while writing FC: 59. So it is all true and very disturbing. BTW, this information has nothing to do with this chapter. Just to let you know. Bye.) 

" FC is speaking facts." Elio said to Chloe." FC always does. I don't know why, it all started during the beginning of the school year." Chloe said.

" Weird." Elio said." FC exposed half of our batch including my friend and Mr. Herschel." Chloe said." Have you talked to your friend?" Elio asked." She moved away." Chloe explained.

" Oh." Elio said." You should invite your family to the Roseville Mansion tonight. Let's have a family dinner." Elio said." Wait, seriously?" Chloe asked.

" Yeah, My cousins love you more than me." Elio said and Chloe laughed." I love you so much." Chloe said out loud." Uhm..." Elio was in shock.

" Shit-" Chloe realized they were still in the auditorium with everyone including Julian.

" What did you say?" Julian asked confronting them." I wasn't talking to you." Chloe said." I knew you were hiding something from me. I knew something was going on between the two of you." Julian said pointing at Elio.

" Julian, shut the fuck up, you guys broke up, get over it." Jaycee spoke." No, Chloe broke up with me because of him." Julian said.

" I treat Chloe better than you could, that's why." Elio said. Julian was pissed off and punched Elio in the face. Ken and Josh pulled Julian away while Alex and Nick helped Elio.

" What is your problem?!" Chloe asked." My problem is you chose that guy over our 2 years  relationship." Julian said.

" You were toxic, that's why I ended the relationship." Chloe explained." And-... Elio and I used to date 3 years ago... for 5 years." Chloe explained." So that's why you're really close to the Harpers." Josh said.

" Are you all going to forget Connor just got arrested like 2 minutes ago?" Asher asked." Elio and I started dating the same night we broke up." Chloe admitted.

" And you didn't even wait for a week? You're a wh*re!" Julian yelled and then the next he knows Elio punched him in the face, making him fall to the ground." Oh damn... he messed up the wrong girl." Elise told her sisters.

" He's gonna die." Natalie said and Avery agreed." Is it bad that I recorded it and sent it to our cousins?" Cassie asked." It's Bad." Avery said knowing their cousins will come.

" Never. EVER. Call my girl that word again." Elio said." Elio, it's ok." Chloe said." No it's not." Elio said." We're done for the day." Liv said and everyone went out of the auditorium while some stayed.

" Julian, what has gotten into you?!" Sean asked him." You can't call a girl like that." Sean said." I can't believe you're like this." Ken said." We're not over, Elio. You don't know what you've put yourself into."  Julian warned.

" Chloe's mine." Julian said." Leave them alone you creep." Lexi said." He's a psycho." Bostyn said." Come on, let's get out of here." Lily said.

Elio held Chloe's hand and left the room." Let go of me." Julian said pushing Ken and Josh away from him." He's gonna regret this." Julian said.

" You do realize that you're talking about my brother. Right?" Avery asked." Of course you're gonna defend him. He's your brother." Julian said.

" He's a homewrecker." Julian said." What has gotten into you?!" Avery asked." Chloe told us you were toxic. That's the reason she broke up with you." Elise said.

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