FC: 39

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Another week has passed and Sean and Avery are finally filming the video." Tim! I've missed you." Avery greeted with a smile, hugging, Tim, the director.

" I missed you too, Kaycee. So, are you ready to go?" Tim asked." I'm always ready." Avery answered." Hi, sorry I'm late." Sean apologized as he came in already prepared.

" Sean Lew, am I right?" Tim asked." Yes, that's me." Sean answered with a smile." Don't worry about being late, you're just in time." Tim said.

" I'm Tim Milgram." Tim introduced himself." I've heard you're a wonderful director." Sean said shaking his hand.

Tim smiled." I like this boy." Tim said to the whole crew. Everyone chuckled." Let's get down to business." Tessandra said.

Sean and Avery practiced it from start to end before filming. Sean smiled at her, lighting up the mood for the both of them before going to their positions.

The two locked eyes as they danced, you could feel the connection and chemistry they have dancing with each other.

" That's a wrap!" Tim said excitedly applauding everyone. Avery gave everyone a hug and congratulated and thanked them.

" Congratulations Sean and Kaycee. That was amazing." Tessandra complimented." Thank you for giving me this opportunity. It means a lot." Sean said.

" You are very talented Sean. You're going places with your dancing. I tell you that." Avery's manager said. Sean smiled.

Tessandra, Tim, Tricia, and Avery's manager left the two alone." Congrats." Sean said. Congrats to you too." Avery said flashing a smile.

" My birthday's coming up, I want to invite you and your family at our house." Sean said." Sure. We'll be there." Avery said.

Sean nodded before Avery left.


Monday evening,  2 days before Sean's birthday, Sean and Avery's dance project is about to be released. All Avery's fans were excitedly waiting, tweeting and talking about it in their social media's and fan pages.

" Well your fans are going crazy." Elise said as she goes through her phone, sitting down on the couch." Well it's their first time seeing me with a dance partner that they don't know who it is." Avery said.

" To be in your fans perspective, I'd be stalking right now." Elise said." Ew, Stalker." Natalie teased." Oh shut up, you would do it to." Elise said.

" Ok, you guys better stop before it leads to an argument." Avery said, chuckling." 5 more seconds." Avery said referring to the release of the video.

(A/N: Station is a masterpiece *chef's kiss*)

After watching the video, Elise and Natalie looked at Avery." Wow... wow, wow, wow." Elise clapped." That was amazing, am I right Natalie?" Elise asked.

" Yeah. I love it." Natalie said." We could feel the connection. You did an amazing job Avery. I'm proud of you." Natalie said.

" Thank you." Avery said. Natalie smiled as both of them stood up and hugged each other." Are you forgetting that I'm also here?" Elise asked.

Both of them laughed and gestured Elise to join the hug. Meanwhile with Sean and his friends. Everyone was paying attention to the video.

" Woah.... that's...CRAZY." Ken said amazed after watching the video." This is a big deal Sean. You're getting recognition in this." Julius said.

false confidence. [original]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat