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After that disturbing incident yesterday, everyone couldn't help but feel anxious about it. Suspecting each and everyone.

The news spread all around town, Detective Hayes of course was invited to school to investigate. The school committee took the chance to interview Detective Hayes for the school news paper.

" Hey Max. Hey Oliver" Cassie greeted." Hey Cassie." Max greeted." Where's Liv and Liam?" Cassie asked." They were printing and handing out the news paper." Oliver said.

" Hey guys." Liam and Liv said handing them all a news paper each.

Quinton News: Yesterday's Mystery

Coming for All of You

According to Detective Hayes' investigation, they can't find the person or people that is responsible.

They said it left no clue whatsoever, which means, they don't have a lead to this incident as everyone was perfectly attending the class when it happened.

No one was outside the room, hours or minutes outside of the class. That concludes no one in Quinton was responsible for it.

However, the sign completely bothers all of us. The words written might mean exposing everyone's deepest darkest secrets.

Based on few surveys yesterday, everyone felt anxious. This can only mean that the trust on each other have been on a thin ice.

Who knows who could be next.
You better make your secret safe.

After reading the article, they all looked at each other.

" No clue who did it?" Cassie asked.
" Dad said he found no fingerprints. The person's really smart and thought this through. A perfect crime." Liam said.

" I feel a bit anxious. Like the news said, who knows who, you can't really trust anyone at this moment." Max said.

" I agree." Liv said." We can still trust each other, right?" Oliver asked.
" Totally." Cassie answered then the school bell ringed.

When Cassie got in her class, everyone was so focused on the news paper.

" Hey." Dylan greeted Cassie. Cassie turned to her confused." Shouldn't you be talking to your cheer team instead?" Cassie asked raising an eyebrow at her.

" I didn't got to say it yesterday, but you really impressed the whole cheer team... well... not Kalani." Dylan said.

" Not many students can stand up for the outcasts. And you really snapped facts on Kalani." Dylan said.

" Why are you whispering?" Cassie asked." No one should see us talking to you." A brown haired girl said turning around as she sat in front of Cassie.

" I'm Annie LeBlanc." Annie introduced." Kalani's really mad at you for humiliating her. So she told us to not talk to you, but we really couldn't help." Annie added.

" Then why are you taking orders from her? You have your own life to live, not hers." Cassie said.

Annie and Dylan smiled." You're really cool, Cassie." Dylan said.
" Hey Babe." A guy with brown hair greeted sitting beside Annie.

" Hey Babe." Annie greeted then the guy turned to Cassie." I'm Asher Angel." Asher introduced.

Cassie smiled." I'm just curious, how long have you been together?" Cassie asked.

" A year and a half. Right Babe?" Asher asked then Annie nodded with a smile.

Cassie could tell it was a fake smile.
Cassie just nodded." Hey Annie!" A girl greeted sitting to the other side of Annie.

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