FC: 11

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The next morning, the issue already calmed down and everything went back to normal.

" We're learning about Crime history today." Mr. Elton said turning on the projector and showing a picture of men wearing suits in the 90s.

" Can someone tell me who do you think the man with a scar on his face is?" Mr. Elton asked looking around the class that seemed to be so confused at the situation.

Everyone was silent." Cassie?" Mr. Elton called as Cassie raised her hand and quickly lowered her hand as everyone turned to her.

" Do you know him?" Mr. Elton asked." He's Charles " Lucky " Luciano." Cassie answered." How did you know?" Mr. Elton asked.

" I watch crime documentaries." Cassie said." Weirdo." Cassie heard Emily muttered." Cassie is right. Charles " Lucky " Luciano. Known as Lucky Luciano. He is the smartest Mafia boss that had ever lived." Mr. Elton said.

" If you hear the word Mafia, as Cassie mentioned in the impromptu Quiz bee. It stands for an organized crime syndicate that is leaded by the one and only Lucky Luciano. He was the most famous and fiercest mafia leaders." Mr. Elton added then continued on.

" Cassie, since you know about this kind of stuff, why was Lucky Luciano named Lucky Luciano?" Mr. Elton asked.

" Because, he was beaten up badly, it almost lead him to death but when the police found him and rush to the hospital, the doctors said he was lucky he survived. That's why he got a scar on his face, and how he got the name Lucky." Cassie explained.

" Very good." Mr. Elton said." He was the Elon Musk of the Mafia. Smartest one." Mr. Elton nodded. After an hour of discussion, the bell ringed meaning it was time for lunch.

" Hey, does it bother you that Lily's really trying hard to get Liam?" Cassie asked." Why are you asking this questions?" Liv asked confused as she opened her locker and placed her book inside.

" Oh come on Liv, we both know you guys like each other." Cassie said." I.. don't know what you're talking about." Liv said closing her locker.

" Fine, denying it will have a serious consequence." Cassie said." Whatever." Liv just chuckled. They went to the cafeteria and sat down with the boys.

" Hey, what day is it today?" Oliver asked." August 27." Liv answered looking at her phone." Few more days till September. Wow." Liam said.

" Why, what's going to happen in September?" Cassie asked, confused." In September, on the first week, we're starting off with the clubs and September is the game season." Max explained.

" Cool, what kind of school clubs?" Cassie asked." There is the Dance Club, Glee(Singer's)Club, Cooking Club, Art club, Theatre club but mostly the dance club and glee club are united in it, then there's other different kinds of academic clubs like English, science, history and other boring stuff." Oliver explained.

" Can I join both Dance club and Glee club?" Cassie asked." Yes, that case happened before. She's both in the Dance and Glee club. It fits so well because Dance and Glee are always together... and well... she's mostly superior in school." Liv said.

Cassie shrugged it off and smile." I'm excited." Cassie said." I just realized something." Oliver said." What is it?" Liam asked.

" Everyone's secrets are being exposed by the same person." Oliver said." Are you serious? That's what you realized? Isn't it like the whole purpose by FC? To expose Everyone, by everyone, I mean, everyone in school." Liam said.

" It's like, he or she is trying to bring down everyone's confidence." Oliver said." That's the whole point of exposing everyone's secrets. Dumbass." Liv mumbled the last part.

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