eight ▯ midnight fantasies

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changmin had barely ever left his dorm room after his argument with yerin. he had let his emotions get the best of him and he acted on her without her permission, and he felt such deep shame for his actions.

he cried nearly everyday, knowing she was upset with him and it was his fault that she was so angry.

"what can i do? how can i get her to love me, to want me and only me?" his thoughts ran frantic everyday, trying to find a way to get back to her. he couldn't by any means let her fall for eric, or he'd have to act on it.

he found his only chance to confess his feelings to her, and he fucked it up in the worst way. he had made her cry, and push him away. the pain was so unbearable and felt as if someone were stabbing needles into his heart as he watched her push him away.

"how can i revive our friendship," he thought of as many ways as possible to get yerin to want to speak with him again, but as each and every day passed and his phone never rung, nor did she look in his direction when he was near her, he lost hope slowly and pathetically.

he runs his hands through his hair, counting the time that has passed since he last got to speak with her, when they argued.

"three weeks," he says aloud, exasperatedly. "i've gone only three weeks without speaking to you, and it's driving me insane."

he hadn't left his dorm room all day again, finally giving in to the crippling depression that would soon devour him whole.

in a frantic urge to revive much needed memories of their time together, he jumps off his bed and rips through his drawers in search for their journals they wrote together on.

he kept every single one of them, and had hoped she'd done the same.

he finally comes across his most beloved story journal, titled "the adventures of q and yerin". the journal was atleast 10 years old and was faded all around the edge, the papers slightly torn and were yellow as strands fell out of the side.

he flipped to his favorite story, recalling the days they spent together acting out their plays.

his eyes read over the title. the play was based off the story of romeo and juliet.

in the story, the prince and princess met secretly everyday, both having rival families. they fell in love, and spent time with each other secretly and became each other's favorite person, only wanting to be with each other and no one else.

while writing this story when he was younger, changmin realized it was his dream to have someone to himself, and him being the same for them. he craved the feeling of being possessive over someone.

when he met yerin and she expressed her interest in creative writing to him also, he shared his journal with him. she was the first person he had ever shared his biggest secret with, and she accepted him with ease and also wanted to help him write stories.

he soon found himself falling head over heels with yerin the more time they spent together. she was the perfect girl to satisfy his need, and he knew at that age that she would be the only woman he would crave for the rest of his life.

stalker ▯ ji changminWhere stories live. Discover now