eighteen ▯ the altercation

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his lips curled into a cute smile thinking about her, as he sat in the back of his second period class.

his ears weren't focused on the loud voice of his professor, his nose wasn't bothered by the sharp smell of markers, pencil shavings, and the dust of old textbooks, and his fingers weren't focused on the cold sensation of the wooden desk beneath them.

he could only think about her, his love. he wanted to only hear her, look at her, and touch her. everything else bothered him.

the image of her surrounded by pretty colorful flowers, smiling at him and holding his hand was one that he would burn into his memory, never wanting to forget it.

he sighs, "how much longer until this class ends?how much longer until i can see her?" he wonders, his eyes now flickering above to the clock that was on the wall furthest to him above the door.

"it's only 11:28 am," he mentally groans, slumping a bit in his seat.

he heard a loud pop sound coming from his left, and he turned his head slightly to see who did it, annoyed by the disruption.

then he saw her, the last person he ever wanted to see.

she smiles at him, twirling her red locs of hair around her fingers and chewing on her bright pink bubble gum, she winks at him.

he turns his head back forward. he didn't understand why she was so infatuated with him.

him and yerin had only been dating for a week, but he knew she would have found out eventually. and then there was this stupid dinner that yerin agreed to go on with her, that made changmin roll his eyes.

"i don't want her around yerin," he mumbled to himself, eyes staring at the blank notebook in front of him.

but then again, something about jieun reminded him of himself, and that scared him. "i'm nothing like her," he thinks, rubbing his eyes to try and rid himself of his thoughts.

he knew where yerin was right now, and he couldn't wait to go be with her after school ended. he smiles again, thinking of his beloved.

then he hears a movement to his left and reluctantly turns his head, seeing jieun had came over to his desk area and sat right next to him.

he rolls his eyes but doesn't get loud, not wanting the professor to write him up.

she pulls her chair closer to him and leans her head on her arms, cocking her head towards him flirtatiously. "hey changmin," she whispers to him. the fragrance of cherry blossom perfume filled his nose.

he tries to move away but there was no where to move to. he scoffs, annoyed and getting upset. "what do you want?" he whispered back in a harsh voice.

she smiles seeing he was upset, but then frowns. "are you coming to me and yerins dinner on saturday?" she asks him, her big eyes staring at him. he doesn't look at her.

"no. and i don't think she'll be going either." he reluctantly replies, then lightly shoves her over with his arm to put space between them but she comes right back over into his space.

her hand touched his leg and he quickly removed it, flustered by her actions.

"well, i don't think it'd be right of you to be so controlling over your girlfriend." she says casually, her gum popping and rolling around all over her tongue. he meets her eye for a split second.

stalker ▯ ji changminWhere stories live. Discover now