twentysix ▯ twilight

343 15 9

two days the darkness of the unknown...


"if i could fall in love with you, all over again," he whispers underneath his breath as his slim and bruised fingers lightly caress the locks of her pretty dark hair. "i would." he shakily finishes, with a small, sad sigh. "i would do it all over again in a heartbeat."

why? why did it hurt so much?

he finally had her to himself, in a place where no one would ever bother them. in a place no one would ever find them. they could finally act out the final scene of their- no his beloved play.

but for some reason he felt tears stinging in the corners of his dark, emotional eyes and a pain in his throat.

he hadn't felt so much regret in his actions until
now. he didn't hesitate when he killed jieun, because everything he'd done until now had been to prove his love for her. but now, now he felt it. he felt it in his gut just how much he'd fucked up.

how long had she been asleep? how long had he sat here, waiting for her pretty eyes to meet his? for her sweet melancholy voice to ring in his ears?

and the guilt that resonated deep within him once he finally realized the severity of his actions was troublesome. but he wanted to ignore it, to forget all of his worries, because now she was here.

the darkness of the small room they shared masked the pained expression on his face. changmin buries his face in his hands in his position on the floor, where her head laid in his lap. he tries to pull himself together, but fails.

"i just want us to be happy, yerin," he says in a quiet voice, his words pouring into the cold atmosphere. and perhaps the shaking of his frail body was too much, because the girl stirs underneath him and suddenly he stops his breathing, waiting to see if she'd wake up.

her eyes open only a bit, and he peered at her through the darkness.

"where am i..?" she asks in a tiny voice, her throat sounding parched. he reaches to his side and grabs the bottle of water he brought, handing it to her and hoisting her up gently to sit next to him on the floor.

the dark and empty room was so tiny as she looked around as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. she sat there for a few minutes, digesting everything that had happened until now. and she remained silent.

she slowly stretched her limbs, feeling uneasy. she wanted nothing more than to be afraid. than to scream and cry at him for chloroforming her and dragging her to some unknown place. but for some reason she didn't, and she couldn't.

her eyes avoided his as she takes a small sip of the water, her throat hurting as she swallowed.

changmin gives a heavy sigh, his heart pounding in
his chest.

"yerin," she heard his voice call out to her in the darkness of the room.

that same voice that used to tease her when they were kids, that used to read her his favorite story lines and spill dark secrets only the two of them shared. but this time, the voice would only bring words of pain.

stalker ▯ ji changminWhere stories live. Discover now