thirteen ▯ empty promises

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"are you nervous?" i hear his calm voice ask me as we approach the familiar house we were walking towards.

i shake my head quickly, opposite of my racing heartbeat and shaky hands.

since it was thanksgiving break, the college sent all the students home, so me and changmin were heading towards my house to see my mother.

she had been very upset with me recently because of my slowly lowering grades and i was mentally preparing myself for a scolding, knowing how disappointed she was with me.

he takes my hand in his, stopping me from walking and i turn to look at him. he looked sad for me, knowing how frightened i was.

"we don't have to see her, you know." he says, pulling me towards him. i don't say anything as he does this and only look into his eyes.

"if you're so scared of her, you don't have to deal with her. you're an adult now yerin." he scolds me lightly, patting my head and smiling. "if you're having a hard time, come to me and i'll fix it."

i smile at this, feeling relieved for having changmin by my side. "thanks changmin," i say, feeling a well of tension slowly reside inside me as he holds me gently.

i swore nothing could compare to the feeling of being by his side, and it was a feeling i wanted to relish in forever.

we were only in our second week of our bet, and i could feel my heart slowly opening up more and more for him everyday and it scared me to do so.

i wasn't sure why i was so cautious of falling for changmin, especially since i'd been knowing him for a long time. but i felt nervous and fluttery being around him, and it was overwhelming.

"okay," i say softly, pulling away from him, his eyes never leaving mine. his gaze was always so intense that i couldn't meet it any longer without my cheeks burning some kind of red.

i felt my phone ringing in my pocket and i pulled it out to look at it, seeing my mother was calling me.

i hesitated before answering it, already knowing she'd be screaming at me. changmin shakes his head no and takes my phone, putting it into his back pocket.

"come on," he takes my hand and leads me into the opposite direction of his house and i follow, suddenly feeling bold and strong willed at this new found defiance i've never had the courage to seek.


we come to a field clearing of flowers somewhere in the far distance from my house, that rested on a hill.

there were many bright colored flowers and trees that surrounded the area, making it look very lively and aesthetic. i felt happy in this aura, loving how nice it smelled and looked.

the air was slightly windy and smelled of rain from the small shower earlier in the day. the sun was slowly going down, the sky a burnt orange.

i felt tree branches and twigs break under
my foot as i walked, the noise filling the comfortable silence in the air.

i look over at changmin and he smiles, obviously enjoying this environment too.

stalker ▯ ji changminWhere stories live. Discover now