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"Hey honey," Merced said, knocking on the open door to her daughter's room. 

She ventured inside. Light was shining into the room from past her curtains, and her daughter sat on the bed, looking deep in thought.

"First day of junior year," Merced said softly, moving Haven's hair out of her face. "How're you feeling?"

"Fine, I guess," she shrugged. "How's Isaac?"

"Derek came and got him," Merced explained.

She had called her daughter after Isaac got situated at the hospital. She had almost rushed over to the hospital, but with the fact that she had no car to drive, and Isaac himself not wanting her to know he was there, she just stayed home, worried.

It had been three months since everything had gone down. Three months since Allison's homicidal breakdown, since her breakup with Isaac, and since Erica and Boyd had gone missing.

Three whole months. It had been a while since her life turned upside down, but she still wasn't used to it.

There was a horn honking in front of her house, a signal that Stiles was there.

"Gotta go, Mom," Haven said, standing up. She grabbed her bag and sighed, looking at her mother. "I'll see you later."


"You wanna ask Derek for help?" Stiles asked, looking at Scott like he was crazy. "Why? Why?"

"He's got the triskele tattooed on his back," responded Scott. "So there has to be a way to do it without healing, right?"

"Yeah," admitted Stiles, his eyes being caught on something. "But still..." he pointed at two missing signs on the wall of the school. "Does he have his hands a little full?"

The trio's attention moved to the voice of their previous principal before Gerard had taken over. They glanced into the office as he lifted a sword, asking whoever was in the room with him what it was.

"Go, go, go," Stiles ushered them away, ducking his head down as they sped past awkwardly.

They stood at their lockers, Haven putting some things inside already. Scott and Stiles stood at either side of her, leaning against their closed lockers.

"I swear, there's freshman everywhere," chuckled Haven. 

"Fresh boys," added Stiles, and she glared at him.

"Ew, as if I'd go for someone younger than us," she scoffed, closing her locker shut. "Plus, there's nothing wrong with me being single."

"We never said there wasn't," Scott added.

"Good," she smiled. "Because I quite like being single."

"We're sure you do," Scott nodded.

"You're teasing me," she noted.

"What? Me? No!" denied Scott, and she glared. "Okay, yeah. Mainly because you so don't like being single, and you miss Isaac."

"Shut up."


Melissa moved the huge bandage stuck to Isaac's chest, commenting on how it was healing. They had no idea what to do with the surgery he was scheduled for, the deputy stationed outside of his door, and an M.I.A Derek. Merced pursed her lips, standing on the other side of the bed.

"Do you have any other emergency werewolf contacts?" Melissa asked him.

"Yeah," he nodded, looking at Merced, then back to Melissa. "Call Scott and Haven."


"Oh, here we go," muttered Haven under her breath. 

By the time Allison got to class with Lydia, there was only one seat available for Allison to sit at: the one in front of Scott. She stood awkwardly in the front of the class, not wanting to go sit there.

Haven and Stiles both gave each other a look as Scott began to awkwardly talk to Allison. His two best friends snickered to themselves in amusement.

When Allison finally sat down, Scot looked to Stiles and Haven. They both sent him a thumbs up.

Everyone's phone went off afterwards. Everyone was confused at the paragraph on their phone, the same message sent to every student.

Someone began to narrate the words in the paragraph, a young woman walking into the room.

"This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class," the woman said, holding her phone up when she was done narrating the paragraph. "Phones off, everyone."


Merced and Melissa paced the halls of the hospital, unable to reach either of their children's phones.


Someone walked into their English class, whispering a message to their teacher.

"Mr. McCall and Ms. Salazar?" she called out, and she beckoned for them to go to her.

They both left, and the teacher went out into the hall with them.

"Um... I'm sure it's an emergency if your mothers need you to leave school, but I'm going to give you a warning in the nicest possible way. I am well aware of your guys' attendance records. I don't wanna see you two slip back into old habits."

"We won't," both of them shook their head.

"It's going to be different this year," Scott promised.

"Resolutions are only good if you stick with them, Scott."

"We will," reassured Haven.

"I promise it won't be ephemeral," Scott added, and the two of them walked away.

"It won't be what?" asked Haven as they walked down the hall, unsure why he was using suck big words. 

"Anyways, what do you think our moms need us for?" Scott asked.

"It might be something with Isaac," Haven said.

"Isaac? What's wrong with Isaac?" asked Scott.

"Um... he's in the hospital," Haven admitted, watching as Scott's eyes widened. "Sorry, he didn't even want me to know. C'mon, let's go."




sorry for the late update. i've been busy with finals, a new manager position at a new job, and i've also just been rewatching some of my favorite animes + watching new ones + writing fics for those hehe. i'm also moving apartment sin a week aha. sorry it's so short too!

WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stilinski v. isaac laheyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon