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"You guys go save Jackson, I need to find Stiles," Haven told Scott and Isaac. She looked at Peter while shaking her head, "And no way in hell am I going anywhere with the man who killed Laura. I'd think twice before you guys trust him, too. Once I know Stiles is safe, I'll come back to help."

She grabbed Stiles's flannel from Scott and turned around, making her way out of the school. She sighed as she looked around, realizing that Stiles was right when he said it'd be smarter for her to learn to drive than have him drive her everywhere.

The good thing was that she was getting lessons from Stiles before the whole supernatural thing hit them, and she just so happened to be the one with the spare key to the Jeep. She remembered what Sheriff Stilinski said about it still being in the parking lot, and she sighed with relief when she saw it.

She unlocked it and got in, buckling herself in. She let out an exhale as she held onto the steering wheel. She adjusted the seat and all of the mirrors, turning on the ignition.

"Okay, Haven. You can do this. It's totally illegal, but so is most of the things your friend group has been doing lately... so... let's do this. You have to find Stiles. You also need to not crash his car, or he will kill you when you find him," she whispered to herself, trying to convince herself to drive.


She got to Stiles' house slowly, but in one piece. She parked it in the driveway and ran up to the front door. She knocked a few times, a tired and worried looking Sheriff looking at her in confusion.

"Haven? What're you doing here? Did you find him?" Noah asked.

"No," she shook her head. "I just—I wanna be here if he comes home." 

It wasn't exactly a lie, but she also knew he had a map of Beacon Hills in his bedroom that she could use for a locator spell.

"Okay, yeah sweetie, come on inside."

He walked with her up to his room, making Haven nervous because that meant she couldn't do her spell. He started to get a phone call, and she hoped that meant that he would leave. Instead, he stood in Stiles' room with her, so she sat down on his bed.

"Yeah, I'm not finding any clues here," Sheriff said to his phone. "Listen, if he... if he shows up at the hospital... Okay, thanks."

Haven let out a nervous sigh at Sheriff's words, looking around Stiles' room. Her eyes settled on the gifts in the corner of it, the various things he had bought Lydia before ultimately bringing the biggest present he could find to her sixteenth birthday. It made Haven smile knowing that Stiles had that big of a heart.

"Oh, come on, Stiles," Noah whispered hopefully. "Where the hell are you?"

She stood up when she saw a figure coming through the doorway, her heart dropping but also a feeling of relief washing over her when she saw the marks on his face—dried blood on his cheeks and a defeated look on his face. She put a hand over her mouth in shock. Before she could walk over to him, Noah turned around to see his son. 

WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stilinski v. isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now