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"Nothing, guys, nothing's there," Haven said, exasperation in her voice as she let go of Lydia and Allison's wrists, combing a hand through her hair. She looked at the defeated expressions on the boys' faces plus the hopeful ones on the girls'. She shrugged. "Sorry."

"They're trying to help," Scott pleaded with the two of them.

Derek's arms remained crossed over his chest as he looked at the two girls. "If Haven can't detect anything, then I don't need anything from these two." He pointed at Lydia and said, "This one, who used me to resurrect my psychotic uncle." He sassily nodded, adding in a, "Thank you," sarcastically before pointing to Allison with his chin. "And this one, who shot about thirty arrows into me and my pack."

"And lets not forget the Chinese ring daggers and Isaac," Haven added.

"You two aren't even dating anymore."

"My bad, didn't realize I have to be dating someone to not condone Chinese ring daggers to the chest," Haven retorted.

"Okay, all right, now, come on," Stiles interjected, trying to diffuse the situation. "No one died, all right. Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction."

Haven squinted her eyes at him and shook her head as if to telepathically ask him, "What the hell?"

"My mother died," Allison added.

"Your family's little honor code killed your mother, not me," Derek replied.

"That girl was looking for Scott. We're here to help him, not you," Allison insisted.

"You guys want to help, find something real," Derek said, making his way to the door.

"Agreed," Haven said, grabbing her backpack from one of the desks and following.

Scott followed after them. "Derek, Haven... give her a chance. Okay, they're on our side now."

In a whispered voice, Derek said, 'Well, then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night."

"I'm going to be late for French," Haven said, stepping around the boys and continuing to the door.


Isaac sat in their usual seat, where, ever since the breakup, the two of them just do their partner exercises together and sit in silence like nothing ever happened, as if she hadn't been called in by Derek to be his emotional support, like they didn't know each other. She paused when she walked through the door, taking a huge breath in and taking a long time to push the air from her lungs out. 

Isaac looked up from his textbook, staring straight at her when he heard the accelerated heartbeat. He just sent her a quirked eyebrow, but she wasn't looking at him. Instead, her eyes were trained to the floor.

She finally made her way to their table, sitting down and pulling her textbook and notebook out of her bag, making the most conscious effort not to look at Isaac even though she was finally aware that he was looking at her.

She sucked her lips in, biting down on them both as she took her pencil and eraser out. Isaac tried his best to pretend to not be looking at her, staring from the side of his eyes as he faced the textbook, hunched over the way he used to be when he was trying to shut out the rest of the world. His head snapped quickly when he saw the rumble of the eraser. In a split second, he decided to grab it quickly before anyone else noticed, and contemplating trying to help calm her down or not. Before he could make a decision in his head, he had already grabbed her hand that was under the table.

WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stilinski v. isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now