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Beacon Hills lacrosse games, the only time Haven felt like their supernatural lives could be put on hold. Though, not tonight, not with Gerard being in charge of Jackson's kanima side. Not when her mother was still in the hospital.

She wandered through the chilly air towards the bench, going to where Stiles was before the game started. People were piling onto the field, and she walked up behind him with a small smile, grabbing onto his shoulders quickly. 

The boy with the buzzcut jumped, startled as he looked behind him. He sighed with relief when he saw Haven's smiling face, glaring at her.

"Don't do that to me!" he scolded her as she stepped over the bench, taking a seat next to Stiles. 

He stared at her, trying to find any signs of her being sad or worried, but she just wore her best dressed smile. 

"You doing alright?" he questioned, watching as she put her hands under her lap to keep them warm and kicked her legs absentmindedly. 

"He said he was leaving tonight," she said, looking out at the field instead of at Stiles. "With Erica and Boyd. I, uh, didn't even find out from him. I found out from..." She looked to their left, smiling when Scott walked over to sit next to them. "Scott."

"Found out what from Scott?" Scott asked, his breath creating a white cloud as he spoke.

"About Isaac leaving," she said. "But it's fine, because I still got you guys. I mean, I already had you, but I still got you."

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" Scott asked Stiles, who shrugged. Ignoring the topic, he asked Stiles, "Is your dad here?"

"Yeah, he's already here," Stiles responded, looking behind them at the guest bleachers where Sheriff was sitting with Melissa. 

Haven frowned, so used to seeing her mom there with them, completing the parent trio.

"You seen Allison?" Scott asked them.

"No, you seen Lydia?" Stiles asked.

"Not yet," Scott shook his head.

"You know what's going on?" Stiles questioned.

Scott huffed, "Not yet."

She swore she could still hear them echoing in her head every night she tried to sleep in an empty household, her mother still at the hospital. She had tried to sleep there, but Derek thought she'd get better rest in a real bed than in a hospital chair.

The three looked out on the field nervously, the feeling of inescapable doom was... well, inescapable. The dread coursing through Haven's body was intense, and she wondered if Scott could hear her heart thumping in her chest. 

WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stilinski v. isaac laheyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin