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Haven flipped through grimoires inside of the greenhouse, a sweat breaking out on her forehead. She sighed in frustration, walking over to the door to open it a little and let air in.

She went back to the bookshelf, grabbing another book. A photo fell, flying softly as air picked up at the bottom of it. As it slid onto the floor, image side facing her, she paused.

It was an old photo, taken almost a decade prior, in that very greenhouse.

She picked it up, a small smile forming on her face and tears stinging her eyes as she touched the girls sitting next to her in the picture.

"Laura," she said fondly, thinking about how the older Hale had passed away just before the supernatural chaos that ensued in her life. 

Her eyes shifted to the black haired girl sitting on the other side of her, the two of them hugging onto each other tight. Her girl best friend.

I'm sorry I was the only one who made it out, Cora, she said in her head, putting the picture down on the table so she could take it back with her to her room.

And she couldn't keep going over spells after that. Not when her mind became plagued with the fire tragedy and the loss of her best friend.


"How is a bruise going to tell me where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek questioned, arms crossed as he stared at Allison and Lydia.

Haven sat upon one of the desks next to Stiles, attempting her best to keep a straight face in the presence of Allison. No matter how hard she willed herself to forgive, there was flashings back to that night stuck in her head whenever she saw her. The rage on her face, the way she had a blatant disregard to whether hurting Isaac was the right thing or not.

"It's the same on both sides," Scott emphasized. "Exactly the same."

"It's nothing," Derek denied, shaking his head.

"C'mon, Der, you're smarter to just think anything can be a mere coincidence," Haven chinned in, earning a glare from him. She shrugged, used to his deadly expressions by now.

"Pareidolia," Lydia commented, muttering it softly. "Seeing patterns that aren't there."

Everyone looked around in confusion, eyes squinted and heads titled. With a sigh, she added, "It's a subset of apophenia."

"They're tryna help," Scott reminded Derek.

Derek turned around and looked at Haven, and her back straightened up when she saw that he wasn't just looking, he was directing the attention to her.

"You used to just randomly know things, right? When your powers were unlocking again?" Derek asked.

She turned her head to the side in confusion, forgetting if that was something she had done before.

"Yeah," Stiles answered for her. "She knew where to find me when I was with Peter when Lydia was in the hospital."

She vaguely remembered that. How she had taken a bike, was it? And ended up in some parking lot, with no idea how she had gotten there or known where to go. Just... that she was there.

Didn't Peter say something about Stiles' password being Haven? she asked herself, trying to recall the entire night.

The night Peter offered them both the bite. Despite knowing Haven already, at that point, Peter hadn't revealed knowing her in the past.

"How'd you do it?" Derek questioned.

"I didn't..."she shook her head, confused. "It was sort of like... I just knew things. I didn't do anything special. One minute I was at the hospital looking for Stiles, and the next I found him."

"Can you try?"

"How can I try to do something I don't know how to do, Derek?"

"Touch their arms, maybe?" Stiles suggested. "Maybe it'll be like those supernatural movies and you'll get some weird premonition."

"Who am I? Phoebe Halliwell?" muttered Haven, but she shook off her doubt in Stiles' theory to grab onto the two girls in front of her.



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