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Haven and Scott stood there with their mouths wide open, eyes large as a girl walked straight up to Stiles, planting her lips to his.

"So glad that you made it," the girl said to him.

Scott looked to Haven, who looked at Scott, and then they both looked back at Stiles and the girl.

"Me too," Stiles agreed, his tone surprised.

"Come downstairs with me and help me pick out a bottle of wine," she had said casually.

"Yes," Stiles said, letting her grab his hand.

He glanced back at his two best friends as he walked lead away, the two standing behind him still not over processing what had just happened.

Scott's open mouth curled up into a smile as he and Haven stepped further into the crowded house, and he stepped next to Heather's friend.

"Hey," Scott greeted her.

She sized him up before shaking her head and walking away. As he looked offended, Haven stifled a laugh with the hand of her wrist. Scott shot her a glare, and she linked her arms through his.

"Well, since Mr. Fragile Bones left us not even a minute into this thing, you and I are sticking together."

Scott pulled his phone out of his pocket, Allison's contact showing up showing that he had an unread text from her. Haven placed her hand on top of the screen, forcing the phone down.

"Nope, no Allison and Isaac tonight, remember? Tonight is about having fun," Haven scolded him, pulling him further into the house. "Let's find something to eat!"


Haven's phone went off as she was in the middle of throwing grapes into Scott's mouth and laughing as he caught each one. There was even a genuine look on his face.

"No Isaac," he reminded her as she looked down at the screen.

"It's Lydia," she informed him, putting his solo cup full of grapes down on a counter. "Hey?"


Scott held the door opened for himself and Haven, the two of them exiting Heather's house to see Allison and Lydia standing outside waiting for them. They both wore anxious expressions.

"This isn't the talk we were gonna have, is it?" Scott asked Allison, and she shook her head.

"I need to show you guys something," she said, looking down.

She and Lydia pressed their wrists together, holding them out for Scott and Haven to see. They had symmetrical markings, put together to form a circular design.

WHY DO I STILL? | stiles stilinski v. isaac laheyWhere stories live. Discover now