Chapter 3

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--- same day, 10:05---

-Yuki's POV-

Momo sat on the couch while hugging a small pillow.

„Yukiiiiii~ your pillows are too small to cuddle" he whined.                                                                      „Well, next time we go into a department store you can choose some if you want" I offered while collecting the paperwork I had worked on.
„But I will pick them! Knowing you the new ones will be even smaller"

I shot him an amused glance and walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the cheek.

„Get ready Momo. We leave in five minutes" I whispered next to his ear.

He jumped a bit and fell off of the couch. By the time we got to the car he was still pouting and refused to talk to me.

//I really love seeing him so angry, it's so cute~// I thought happily.

I looked over to the passenger seat again. Momo kept glancing over to me curiously but avoided my eyes. After a while of this I had enough, deciding to take action. Momo had rested his hands on his lap so I reached out with my right to take his left. Immediately he blushed a bit but didn't pull his hand away.

„Are you done pouting now my Momo" I asked amused.

He didn't answer instead just nodding slightly, that was more than enough for me. The rest of the 15 minute ride I didn't dare let go of my darlings hand.

-Momo's POV

Yuki's mischievous gaze really captivated me so much that I couldn't look away and his warm hand felt so comforting. My mood went from pouting too stunned within seconds. the agency was very adamant to tell us that we shouldn't date in public just yet. Yuki was devastated but accepted, I was also really sad. After that Yuki rarely showed affection so, I made up for it. Surprising him with hugs and kisses, now it was the other way around. The car stopped and we got out. Also worth of note is that he grabbed my hand right after we entered 'Okazaki Agency's practice room, then pinning me to the wall.

„You know..." he began with an alluring voice. „Y-Yeah?" I nervously stammered.

Instead of saying anything, Yuki gently kissed me on the lips.

//Okay.. first this morning, now this?!//

My thoughts raced a million times a minute. The kiss seemed to last a millennia and I was totally lost in my boyfriends embrace. After we finally managed to separate Yuki hugged me tightly.

„I know I never really say or show it so I will say it. I love you, you are the one for me now and forever"
„Awwwww~ I love you too" I said while crying tears of joy.

Yuki was blushing and handed me a bottle of limited edition Momorin juice that was only available for one day.

„Honey you're the best!"

I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him tightly, still holding my favourite beverage.

(Thanks so much for reading so far! This chapter I kept a bit short but the next one will be longer. See you next chapter, byeeee)

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