Chapter 15

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-Momo's POV- 



"*yawn* Hello?" 

"Momo~ Honey~ Wake up"

A sweet voice rang in my ear, coaxing me to open my eyes a bit. I must have unconsciously picked up the phone call in my sleep. 



"What time is it?"

"10:34 am"

"Let me go back to sleep"

"No, I am your personal alarm clock today and my job is to wake you up"

"Try then"

"Beep, beep, beep, beep. be-"

"Alright I'm up! Only because it's you though"

"I really want to cuddle you right now, but patience is a virtue. I will be home either tonight or tomorrow"

"How does that work? I thought It'd take more than two weeks"

"Most of the scenes were done in one take due to my fellow talented actors and staff" 

"Still, that's borderline unbelievable"

"You forget that we filmed over half of the footage in a hospital 3 months ago. So this wouldn't be that impossible" 

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that"

"To change the subject, have you seen my make-up bag anywhere?"

"It's in the bathroom, you forgot it right?"

"Yeah, I bought some here to make a temporary kit"

"Well don't leave it behind next time then" 

"Hai, hai. I must go for now. I'll either call you later or surprise you tonight"

"Okay! Speak to you later"

I hung up and checked my calendar. According to my entries I had a radio show appearance at 12, a photoshoot at 2 and an interview at 4. So a fully packed schedule for once. I sighed loudly and wrapped the grey blanket around me to keep the blissful warmth from escaping. After getting dressed, packing my bag for today and ate a piece of a strawberry cake that I bought yesterday. 

Around 11:20 I drove to the recording studio and arrived 15 minutes later. The program was fun and the host had great energy, so that was over in a flash. We talked about life as an idol, Re:vale and my juniors. The next agenda was the photoshoot for a Momorin juice commercial. When the offer was sent to our agency, Okazaki-san recommended me, knowing I'd take it. The shoot went over smoothly, although I am not as good as Yuki. When he models my jaw drops at how good looks and his poses...w-well back on track. After one and a half hours all pictures were taken. I rushed to the interview and made it just in time. 

"Momo-san thank you for joining me" the interviewer said smiling. 

"Thank you for the invitation"

"How was your vacation? I heard Yuki-san and you took some time off" 

"Yuki wanted to work on a secret project" I responded. 

"A new song perhaps?" 

"Sorry can't say" 

The interview went well, I answered every question in a way that didn't lead on that I was engaged. Although it was really hard. Finally my day was over, but that could change at any moment. For now I was going home to eat and take a nap. Tired and hungry I returned around 5:30 pm. Since the winter set in finding the keyhole was a challenge. Drowsy I decide to rest on the couch before I did anything. The soft cushions really relieved all tension in my body.   

"So soft" I whispered very satisfied with my eyes closed. 

The sound of footsteps alerted me and I jumped up, visibly distressed. 

"Who is there?" I asked rather scared. 

Two warm arms snaked around my waist and a familiar scent washed over me. 

"Babe, I'm home" Yuki said happily. 

"Y-yuki!? You scared me" I whispered, slightly teared up. 

"Gomen, I just wanted to surprise you" he apologised. 

I spun around and looked into his grey eyes. It was him, he was back. I hugged him and kissed him. Yuki took the initiative and deepened kiss. Under his touch I melted and clung onto him for support. The make-out session lasted a while before we parted. He was back and I was too happy to describe with words. 

Re:vale MomoxYuki (angst/fluff)Where stories live. Discover now