Chapter 28

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-Yuki's POV-

"Yuki! Up with you!"

"Is it time to go?" I ask without asking opening my eyes.

"Almost" Momo replied.

"Could you not be so vague?"

"2:55 pm"

"...oh, then let me- WAIT! We have only five minutes left?"

"Yeah, the meeting room is three minutes away so we have plenty of time"

"Next time wake me ten minutes ahead of time. Come on, let's get moving so we can relax again"


Our destination was indeed just a minute or so away but my hair looked a mess and the dark circles still hung under my eyes. I was looking the exact opposite of Momo, he was energetic and basically glowing. We enter the room moments later and sit down. Okazaki-san walked in around 3:01 pm, happy seeing us on time.

"Hello boys! Glad to see you on time. Yuki I know you are still tired but please try to pay attention"

"I will try my best" I promise.

"Anyways. As the seniors of the group I hope you can guide TRIGGER and IDOLISH7 as always. Tomorrow we start our joint practice with I7 for "Happy days creation!". I will give you a schedule as soon as possible. We still have plenty of planning to do, please be patient"

"No worries, you can count on us, right darling?"

"You can count on us to look out for our juniors" I reassure Okazaki-san.

"I can always count on you two. I'll let you go for now, Yuki looks like a zombie"

Our manager dismissed us so we go back to our room. Immediately I lay back in bed and relish the soft feel of the mattress. Momo sat next to me, sneakily giving me kisses on my forehead.

"I'm going to the café by the beach, wanna join?"

"I'll pass, my gloomy face would only bring the mood down"

"Don't worry, you're handsome no matter what!"

"Still, you go enjoy yourself. I might stop by later"

"Fine...see you later then"


I heard Momo gathering his things and leaving quietly. I knew he could get clingy during trips but I want to fully devote myself to him, not just partially. 

-Momo's POV- 

//What should I do now? I had a date planned with Yuki, oh well we can still do that later// 

I was deep in thought as I aimlessly wander the halls. I didn't want to bother any of my juniors since they have meetings later on. So in my desperation I go to the lobby and look out at the ocean. After a while I was so zoned out that I didn't notice the person who sat next to me. 

(I was thinking the lobby of the hotel looked like this) 

(I was thinking the lobby of the hotel looked like this) 

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"Excuse me? Are you Momo-san from Re:vale?" 

I turn my head and See that a young man in his 20's smiling at me. 

"Yes. Are you a fan?" I ask, curious. 

"Yeah! I love your music" 

"Thank you for your support" 

"Umm could I take a picture of you? I am a professional  photographer" he asked politely. 

"Really? What agency are you working under?" 

"Yaotome Productions. I was recently hired to document the upcoming event so, we will work together at some point" 

"Glad to hear! Just call me Momo, no formalities needed" 

"Oh yeah, Itsuki Izumi is my name" 

"Alright then Izumi-kun, I volunteer as your model" 

"Thank you Momo-san. Let's go" 

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