Chapter 19

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-Yuki's POV-

The next day I dragged Momo along with me to a suit shop. Ban was right, I shouldn't hold back my feelings and keep my darling waiting. Out day off yesterday really was a nice break from our work and much needed alone time.

When Momo woke up and saw all the kiss marks on his neck and chest he really mad at me. After scolding me for a while, he put on a dark blue scarf, attempting to hide them. After a quick breakfast we drove off to the tailor to get fitted.

"Want to go shopping after we have our measurements? We haven't gone on a date in a while" I asked as we waited at a red light. 

"Sure! I wanna go to a café, a book store, the supermarket and a restaurant" Momo suggested energetically.

I took his left and and we set off. 

First stop 'Ginza Sakaeya' a famous business for men's suits. Disguised with masks and sunglasses Momo and I entered the establishment. We both discussed what colours we should wear, but after a while we made our choice. Momo wanted a white suit and I settled on a black suit.  The only thing that was missing was the ties. 

"Hmmm which one do you think would suit me?" He asked, holding up two ties. 

I pulled him closer and looked at the two examples he held up. One was a pure white and the other was a crimson red. 

"I'd say the white one, it really suits you" 

"Okay, I trust your judgement. The red one is for you, I think it suits you" 

I smiled widely and we bought our outfits. After we loaded them into the backseat of the car, then we walked to our next stop. The infamous 'Café Noir' was famous for its peach themed desserts and drinks. So Momo always wanted to go if we were nearby. 

"I SEE IT! Yukiiii over there!" he yelled excited. 

He jumped up and down, frantically pointing to our destination. 

"Let's hurry up then" I agreed. 

We hastened our pace and managed to reserve a table for two. The interior was decorated with various peach themed items. A waitress showed us to our seats and gave us a menu. 

"Excuse me, but are you by chance Re:vale?" she asked carefully. 

"Yes, you are correct" I answered politely. 

"I'm a huge fan! Also it's a great honour for you to visit our establishment" 

"I always wanted to come here! So it's the opposite actually!" Momo added. 

"Just let me know when you are ready to order" 

The Waitress left quickly, leaving Momo and I to study their choices. The Café offered a good range of desserts and beverages. After a while Momo grabbed my menu unexpectedly and gave me a wide grin. 

"We both are ordering the peach supreme and mocha latté, you have no choice"

"As you wish darling" 

Our orders arrived 5 minutes after we placed the order. In addition the plating and coffee art were beautiful, no wonder the establishment has a good reputation. 

"Momo you made the right choice, it looks amazing!" I said, amazed. 

"I know right? It's almost too nice to eat" Momo agreed. 

The peach supreme consisted of two scoops of yoghurt ice cream, a big helping of peach sorbet and slices of fresh peaches make up the mouth watering dessert. 

"Let's dig in then darling~" 

He gave me a sweet smile and we enjoyed the first stop of our date. 

Re:vale MomoxYuki (angst/fluff)Where stories live. Discover now