Chapter 11

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-Yuki's POV-

I awakened and was greeted by Momo's adorable sleeping face. I smiled to myself and hugged him tightly.

"I'm back, darling~" I whispered seductively into his ear. 

"Eeeeek!" Momo shrieked surprised. 

He woke up instantly and began to blush. 

"That woke you right up, didn't it?" I amusingly remarked. 

"S-shut up Yuki! I know that tone of voice all too well" 

"Then tell me, what does it mean?" 

"Don't make me say it you jerk!!"

I just gave him a devilish smirk and said nothing. 

"I hate you" 

I chuckled a bit and lifted his chin with my index finger. He gave me an embarrassed look and still had a slight blush across his face. 

"I missed you, I hope you know that. I'm sorry please-" 

Unexpectedly Momo initiated a tender kiss and I returned the gesture. I didn't know how long went by but when we finally managed to separate it almost felt like an eternity. 

"I know and I forgive you"

Those words lifted a heavy burden off of my shoulders and I gave him a kiss on the forehead. 

"Let me go already, at this rate I will suffocate" Momo whined.

He struggled out of my grip and sat up. He seemed energetic and had a wide smile on his face.

"Honey, look over there" 

"What is it?" 

He grabbed a note from the foot of the hospital bed and handed it over to me just before hugging me playfully. The note was from Ban and said the following: 

'You were asleep when I dropped by so I left quietly and patch things up with him idiot! P.S don't be too rough that he can walk out of the hospital room'

I balled up the piece of paper and threw it across the room. My face was bright red and I was utterly embarrassed. 

//Damn you Ban!//

"Yukiiiiii~ why are you red as a tomato?" 

"N-nothing! That jerk just wrote something inappropriate" I answered aggravated.  

" you are not going to tell me? Not faiiiir" Momo whined. 

"Anyways! You have a check up soon so I should go" 

"Please stay" He begged with pleading eyes

"Fine, just warn me any needles are involved"

"Darling, you sound as if you were the patient" Momo noted with an unamused face. 

"You know I hate sharp things"

He was quite lively and the check-up revealed that if he rested up today he could be released tomorrow. That cheered up my Momo so much that he volunteered me to be his pillow. Of course I couldn't refuse him so I agreed without hesitation. Our manager came to visit and he seemed glad to see Momo better. Our vacation was extended and our agency cancelled any urgent plans. Ban came by and explained the situation to Momo and apologised. He appreciated it greatly and enjoyed the Momorin juice Ban had sneaked in with our change of clothes. Around 3 pm Ban returned to 'Takanashi Productions' but right before leaving he gave me the most smug smile then left. He meant that note and he knew that. I glared at him as the door closed and a small blush covered my face. 

"Feed me" Momo ordered from my lap, where he had been sitting on. 

"As you wish" I happily obliged.

I grabbed a small plate filled with apple slices shaped like bunnies. I had prepared them when he had his check-up. We enjoyed our time together and watched the newest movie that Yamato starred in. It was a school murder mystery that even me on edge. 

"He really improved quite a lot since high school. I have to be careful that he doesn't be overtake me" 

"Otherwise we can't invoke our senpai rights which include stealing food from our juniors. Don't slack off!" he scolded me playfully. 

"Understood, I do enjoy our juniors cooking greatly" 

We both had the dumbest grin on our faces and plotted our next surprise visit. I felt relieved to see Momo back to normal  that the surprise I had been planning felt just right for this moment. 

"Hey...we need to talk Momose" 

Re:vale MomoxYuki (angst/fluff)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant