Chapter 10

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-Yuki's POV-

I stared at the white wall of the hospital hallway tapping my foot nervously. It had been an hour since I brought Momo here after he fainted in my arms. Luckily he wasn't in any critical condition yet the doctors still didn't tell me anything. It reminded me of a medical dramas I had starred in a few years ago but actually experiencing it is something else entirely. Anxiously I waited for any sort of news. Around 30 minutes later a doctor carrying a clipboard walked up to me.

"Are you Mr. Yukito Orikasa?"  he asked.

"Y-yes! I am" I stuttered nervously.

"What relationship do you have with the patient? I need to know so I can fill in the paperwork" he explained while balancing a pen between his fingers.

"I am his partner"

"Hmm okay thank you. Now then follow me, you can visit Mr. Sunohara now"

"Really! Thank goodness..."

The doctor gave me a gentle smile and gestured me to follow him. We quickly arrived at room 104 and quietly entered. Momo was asleep and had an IV attached to his right arm. I tip toed over and sat down next to him on the bed.

"How is he?" I asked quietly.

"From what I  could tell he passed out due heavy exhaustion and the blood test revealed that his blood sugar very low. It seems he hasn't eaten properly for at least a week. After the IV is done please notify a nurse. I want him to stay overnight for observation but tomorrow he can leave" the doctor informed me.

"I understand and if it wouldn't cause much trouble could I stay with Momo tonight?"

"I see no reason to deny you. Just try not to disturb the patient"

"I will be careful and thank you"

"No need to thank me. Now then, have a good day"

The doctor left and I felt at ease knowing my beloved would be alright. I slowly got up and pulled up a chair. Gently I held his soft hands and watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful and I couldn't resist kissing his forehead. Momo showed no reaction but to be honest I was kind of relieved because I was afraid to face him.

"I know it is all my fault that this happened. I was too absorbed in my work and hurt you. I-"

"Save it for when he can answer Yuki" a familiar voice recommended.

I looked over and saw Ban standing by the entrance of the room.


"How is he? Nothing serious I hope"

I repeated what the doctor had told me which also relieved him greatly.

"I'll be staying here tonight so I can look over him" I informed Ban.

"Makes sense. I'll drop off a change of clothes for the two of you. Just call me if you need something specific" he offered as he gestured to the door.

"Greatly appreciated Ban. Here"

I threw him my apartment key and he left. I owe him so much after this. Slowly I began to doze off so laid down next to him eventually fell asleep holding my boyfriends hand.

-Momo's POV, 10 PM-

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the white gleam of hospital lights. I felt groggy and my memory was kind of hazy. I looked slightly to the right and was greeted by a very  adorable sight. Yuki was sleeping next to me and held my right hand gently. I smiled to myself and run through his long silver hair with my free hand. Yuki shifted a bit but remained asleep.

//Awwww he is being so cute! I wish I could take a picture for my wallpaper// I thought.

I admit I kinda just stared at my darling and never noticed someone coming in until they cleared their throat.

"Mr. Sunohara? Glad to see you awake" the man in a lab said quietly, probably taking consideration that Yuki was sleeping.

"Thank you, doctor I presume?"

"Yeah, call me Micheal. So for now rest up and save your energy so you can leave tomorrow. Your IV was already changed so no need to worry about that. Goodnight then"

"Alright thank you. Goodnight"

Micheal turned off the lights and left the room. I snuggled up up against Yuki and kissed his cheek. Finally I felt like my heart was at peace and my worries melted away at least for now.

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