Chapter Seven: Right Hand of the Emperor

Start from the beginning

Guard: "My lord Orion, welcome back to Whitestone, your father has been waiting for your arrival."

Orion: "Has anyone else arrived ahead of me?"

Guard: "Only one other has arrived before you, the witch from Zirovrane. She's claimed the Emperor sent her to report on his plans progress." Orion let out a deep sigh.

Orion: "Of course he sent her, he always sends her, she is his Right Hand after all." Orion thanked the guard before proceeding into the fortress towards the great hall where his father, the Archduke of Zhagos waited. He soon entered the great hall, the long walkway leading up to his father's throne was lined with guards on both sides. Colorful banners, exquisite moldings and extravagant chandeliers decorated the walls and ceiling. Orion continued to walk towards the throne, when his father and a young woman walked out from a nearby door talking. The woman took notice of Orion approaching and spoke.

Woman: "You're late as usual aren't you Orion?" He gave her a bitter glare.

Orion: "I wasn't aware that you were put in charge of my schedule Isis, but then again you are just a glorified secretary now aren't you?" Orion gave her a wicked looking smile.

Isis: "How dare you call me something as lowly as a glorified secretary?! I am the High Mage of Zirovrane, the Right Hand of Emperor Zandar! I would smite you where you stood if you weren't related to him Orion." Orion's father laughed as the two of them argued.

Orion's Father: "Hahaha now Isis, there's no need for that. I'm sure my nephew wouldn't like it very much if you harmed his favorite cousin, now would he? You might be his Right Hand, but you're in my city for now and therefore you shall obey me understood?"

Isis: "Yes my lord Gregor, I understand. I'm sorry for my outburst towards your son. It was out of line." Gregor happily smiled, walking up to his throne and sitting down taking in the sight of his throne room before speaking.

Gregor: "Very good then, now Orion tell me were you successful in your endeavors tonight?"

Orion: "Would you be angry with me if I said that I was somewhat successful Father? Arwen's transformation was a success, but we hit a bit of a snag in our plans. The guards I had sent ahead of myself decided to just barge in and startled her. She fled before I had the chance to kill her, but not to worry father I sent Killian after her to finish the job." Gregor looked at Orion with a perplexed look on his face.

Gregor: "Well I don't see how that's a problem,  after all Killian was in place to be your backup plan just in case the guards did anything foolish. I really don't see the dilemma here Orion."

Orion: "Well there wouldn't be a dilemma here if the guards just followed the plan the way it was laid out for them. If they would have arrived when they were supposed to, there wouldn't have been a crowd and I wouldn't have had to improvise. Luckily an old acquaintance of ours, the monster-slayer Owin, happened to be in the city at the time. I played it off as if a vampire had attacked and took Arwen, so I hired him to hunt it down and rescue her." Gregor let out a longing sigh.

Gregor: "That is quite the predicament, I do understand why you had to improvise, so I'm not angry with you my son. Killian is unlike any other creature we've come across, he's unique even among the vampires. I don't doubt that he will come through for us."

Isis: "Even though the Emperor is your nephew lord Gregor, he wouldn't be all too happy to know that you're putting your hopes on a failure like Killian."

Gregor: "I assure you that he isn't a failure Isis. Killian has come through for me more times than you know."

Isis: "I believe you my lord, but there is a reason he's the only one of his kind. Have you ever stopped to think why I never created more of him? It took a great deal of experimentation and magic alone just to make him. He's unstable, with all that power he has in him. He's just a bomb ready to go off at any given moment."

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