Chapter 8 - "𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑡'𝑠 𝑎 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒."

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Y/N Pov:
Tw: mentioned suicide!

I waited patiently for his arrival. I then, saw a black shadow.. my heart pounded faster as the shadow came closer.

Once it was out of the dark I saw who it was, Kokichi. What was he doing?
He came up to me..

"S-Sorry, I just wanted t-to comfort and be there f-for you.."

"No no no, it's okay. I'm glad you're here"

He smiled to me. His smile and words really comforted me and made me feel much more confident.


I saw another shadow, for sure it had to be Shuichi...

My heart didn't pound as fast as it did when I thought Kokichi was Shuichi.

I saw a teenager with a hat on so that had to be Shuichi. But he didn't have his hat pulled fown like usually, he probably felt a bit comfortable around us? But how did he know it was me.. was my starring just way too obvious? Either way, he came to me and Kokichi.

"I figured it would be you, Y/N, but not you with him.."

He said to both us us pointing at Kokichi.

"S-Sorry, I just w-wanted to talk to Y-Y/N for a little.. I'll go!"

Shuichi smiled, closing his eyes and sighed. Then opened his eyes and they seem to be looking away from us.

"No, it's fine. Now, did you want to talk about my rejection with Kaede?"

He still had that smile on his face but his eye brow narrowed up.

"That and something else,"

"Hm, okay.. go ahead,"

"But first, I just have a question"

He turned his head as a sign that he's listening.

"When we were friends in freshman year.. how come you tried avoiding me 'til now?"

I could see that his eyes widen a bit, he probably didn't expect me to ask that and just leave it alone. He looked down to his side and with that I couldn't see his expression anymore.

"...because I loved you"

I was honestly aware of that but, who wants to avoid the person they love?...That question sticked with me until he explained. He looked back up

"I know what you're thinking, 'why would you avoid someone you love?', that's because I was aware of something that could grow bigger if I didn't do something about it..
 obsession with you.."

When he finished his sentence I was nearly in shock, I turned to Kokichi but he looked away trying to avoid eye contact.. Kokichi knew about it too? I really just thought he only loved me.. I didn't think that he loved me that much.. I turned back to Shuichi, lost in words

"I'm guessing you want to know the whole story so I'll tell you, when I first met you.. I fell in love with you. You were just.. so perfect.. that I didn't mind getting detention just to apologize to you—I didn't want to lose you—but then I realized how obsessive I was growing towards you and decided to distance myself from you because I didn't want to you hurt you. When I was doing that, I also decided to talk to Kaede but I accidentally did so too much, and that made me.. you know... move onto her which made the rejection...

When I heard all that.. it honestly was too much too take in.. I felt overwhelmed, tired, and shocked. I felt so bad for Shuichi, he can easily get used by someone which made me thought if he would even care if he did get used.

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