The Writer

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ugh these are so shortttttttt

suggested by tired-and-angry

'I love you, idiot!'

Gerard stopped typing. He didn't mean to write that. Where the fuck had that come from?

He reread the scene. The characters were shouting at each other, in an argument- that he remembered. But somewhere along the way, it had changed. The argument had developed into this- a love confession.

Gerard jumped when a mug of coffee was placed next to him. He looked up to see Frank. "You scared me."

"Sorry." Frank looked at his screen. "Watcha working on?"

"Writing," Gerard said. "They ended up falling in love..."

"'I love you, idiot?' Isn't that what I said to you?"

Gerard smiled. "Well at least I know where it came from now."

Frank kissed the side of his head. "This is the exact same argument we had, honey."

"It is?"

"Uh huh. You were about to do something stupid, as usual, and I was keeping you out of danger."

Gerard smacked his shoulder. "Shush. But- wait, really?"

"Uh huh."

"Wow..." Gerard sighed and pressed backspace. "I guess I gotta rewrite this."

"Not necessarily." Frank tilted Gerard's chin towards him. "Aw. Look at you, you cutie. You're blushing."

Gerard tried to twist out of his grip. "Am not."

"You are, love. Don't deny it." Frank kissed him softly. "Write your story. Make your characters fall in love."

"But I didn't intend for them-"

"You didn't intend for us to fall in love, either, honey." Frank turned him back towards his computer. "Life happens. Love isn't something you can control and manipulate. It just...happens. You know?"

"I know." Gerard smiled.

Suddenly, he had the perfect end to the story. 

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