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happy halloween :)

"Happy fucking birthday!"

Frank woke up to Gerard sitting on his chest, yelling that in his face, and smacking him with a pillow.

"Fucker," he grumbled.

"That's why you love me. Can I give you my gift? Please?"

"As long as your gift is coffee."

"It's not, but there's some here." Gerard handed him a mug and sat next to him instead of on top of him. "It's something else."

"Well what is it?" Frank sat up and took a sip.

"One sec." Gerard ran upstairs. Frank could hear his footsteps all the way up the rickety stairs. He came back down, obviously carrying something heavy. "So, you're an adult now, and I figured what better way to initiate you into adulthood than your own guitar?"

"Oh my god. You fucking didn't." Frank got out of Gerard's bed and knelt in front of where he'd placed the guitar. He unzipped the case, revealing a gorgeous cherry red body. "Gerard! She's fucking beautiful!"

Gerard smiled. "I know."

Frank stood up and hugged Gerard. "How much did it cost?"

"Don't worry about it." Gerard squeezed him tightly.

"No, tell me. Five hundred or more?"


"I'm taking you trick or treating as payment."

"And that is definitely the best payment." Gerard smiled. "I have costumes just in case."

"You were prepared for this?"

"Just in case," Gerard sang, dancing over to his closet. "I have costumes every year. I've been doing this since we were kids, remember?"

"You're always so prepared." Frank smiled. "What are we going as this year?"

Gerard pulled out two costumes. "A moth and a lamp."

"You're gonna make me wear a lampshade on my head?"

"Yup!" Gerard put the lampshade on Frank's head. "There you go. You're all dressed up."

Frank lifted the lampshade up. "Let me see yours."

Gerard slipped on a pair of fabric wings and lifted the straps at the end. "Moth."

"You look great."

"I know." Gerard grabbed Frank and pulled him in close. "Now let me burn myself to death."

"No. Illegal. You are staying alive. You have a ton of Halloweens to get through."

"But, but, light!" Gerard squeezed Frank tightly.

"Shush. Be a happy moth." Frank hugged him back.

Gerard pressed his face into Frank's neck.


They hadn't had much luck with trick or treating, so they relented to buying a bag of candy at the closest 24/7 convenience store and sharing it on Gerard's couch downstairs, where they were curled up watching horror movies. Gerard was hiding under a blanket, and Frank was passing him candy from the outside.

"You're never gonna build up horror movie tolerance if you're always hiding from it," Frank said, waiting for Gerard to take the KitKat from his open palm.

"You just watched Micheal Meyers kill someone without even batting an eye. I worry for you."

"Aww, how sweet. I'm fine."

"Yeah, sure. You're cuddling the fuck out of me tonight to make up for it."

Frank sighed. "Tragedy."

He felt Gerard's arms wrapping around his waist and settling there. "You're adorable."

"I'm fucking scared."

"Don't be scared." Frank pulled the blanket from over his head. Beneath the messy hair, two bright eyes blinked up at him. He leaned down and pressed his lips against Gerard's.

Gerard didn't let him pull away. He followed Frank up, shifting into his lap and keeping his lips pressed firmly against Frank's. When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against Frank's. "Happy birthday."

"Happy Halloween." Frank kissed him again. 

hey! so i'm really not as good at writing fluff, so most of these are pretty short, but i'm working on it

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