Say Yes to the Dress

525 39 28

Requested by xolynxo

Gerard stared down at their dress. A year ago, the thought of wearing a dress had made them cringe, but as they learned to accept themself, they slowly opened up to the idea of being more feminine.

Their boyfriend was taking them on a date today, so they wanted to dress up pretty for him. This was Frank's favorite color, and Gerard really did love the dress- it was royal blue, with a halter top. The skirt hung to their knees and puffed out a bit. It was kind of like a swing dress.

Frank would be over to pick them up soon, and they weren't ready at all. So, they took a deep breath and slipped the dress on, brushing their damp hair out of the way to zip up the side and fix the top over their flat chest. They sighed as it sagged. It would have to be adjusted.

They walked into their bathroom, slipping on socks on the way and rolling them up to their knees. These were their favorite socks. They were black and had little stars circling the ankle. They always made them feel safe.

Someone knocked on their door just as they were finishing up with makeup- nothing too heavy, just eyeliner and mascara. "Come on in!"

The door to the apartment was pushed open. "Gee?"

"In the bathroom." Gerard quickly shut the door with their foot. "Don't come in."

They heard Frank's footsteps stop outside the door as they finished winging their eyeliner and put the pencil away. They washed their hands of any stray makeup and opened the door for Frank.

Frank, who had taken a seat on their very creaky bed, raised his eyebrows. "Wow."

Gerard bit their lip.

"You look gorgeous, baby." Frank stood up and walked over to them, wrapping his arms around their waist. "This dress is so gorgeous."

Gerard blushed and tilted their head as Frank started kissing their neck. "Th-thanks..."

"Mm, maybe we can skip on date night." Frank started swaying them as he sucked on their neck. "Rough up your bed some more?"

"Leave my poor bed alone. And I'm fucking starving, you're buying me dinner before you try to get into my pants- skirt- whatever."

Frank smiled against their neck and pulled away. "Alright. Ready?"

"Um..." Gerard shuffled their feet nervously. "I think...I think we should stay here, actually."

Frank's face softened. "Why's that?"

"I just...I have plenty of food here, and-"

"But that's the whole point of date night, isn't it? To go out somewhere together?"

Gerard whined. Frank wasn't catching on. "Frank, everyone is gonna know!"

"Know what?"

"That this dress isn't meant for me! I have a dick, I shouldn't be wearing this! I can't pull this off, I-" Gerard took a long, shuddering breath. "I'm not- I'm just a boy."

"Hey. You're not a boy. You're my favorite genderless human being. And this is made for you! It fits perfectly, except the top, but I can fix that for you. You look absolutely gorgeous in this. Stop beating yourself up over it."

Gerard tilted their head back, trying desperately not to cry.

"Calm down, you're alright." Frank rubbed their back and hugged them. "Shh. Don't cry. I love you so much, honey. You look so beautiful in that dress."

"You think so?" Gerard asked, voice soft.

"I do." Frank kissed their jaw.

Gerard looked back down, pressing their thumb against their eyelid to catch any tears. "I love you too."

Frank pressed his forehead against theirs. "Ready to go?"

"Ready." Gerard smiled. 

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