once all of the players came in, the last day of training camp began.

time skip brought to you by orokodaki's kitsune masks💘

the barbecue was in full swing, everyone full of energy and chowing down on the food. yachi was shaking, awkwardly trying to grab some food while being surrounded by the boys.

"let hito through, boys!" i called out, lightly pushing through the crowd. they dispersed and i smiled at the nervous blond, "you okay now?"

she nodded, "t-thank you (y/n)!"

i happily pat her hair and went back out of the crowd, casually checking from time to time that she was okay. i grabbed a watermelon slice and handed one to the slayer, "here you go jiro!"

he took the slice from me, "thank you (y/n)! oh, here, before we have to leave." from his green and black haori, tanjiro handed me the small bag from earlier.

"ah, perfect timing! thanks! i'll be right back then~" with the bag, i headed over to a group of cats, crows, and owls. "i have something for you all! a goodbye gift and a memory of tokyo!"

handing out the keychains, i watched the boys' eyes sparkle with excitement and pink tints filling their faces. "this is so cool, (y/n)!" the energetic ace from fukurodani was jumping up and down once he got his.

i pat his hair, glad to see their happy faces, "i'll be sure to visit you guys again later, so keep these so you don't forget~!"

reminded of our departure, the owl like boy deflated slightly, walking back over to his setter, "akaashiiiiii... i forgot that they're leaving...." emo mode on.

kuroo shook the ace, "we'll see them again! at nationals."

he finally brightened a bit, "at nationals!"

time skip brought to you by sakusa's moles💘

instead of heading back with the crows, tanjiro and i went to the butterfly estate. shinobu gave us check ups, and we soon went to an emergency hashira meeting that i had called for. tanjiro left to help zenitsu and inosuke at a mission that they were put on together in the mean time.

as we waited for oyakata sama to come, i returned the haori to giyuu, "thank you so much for switching prefectures for the week! and for the haori!!"

he pat my hair with a small blush, "of course (y/n). although, we're all worried about tokyo..."

"ah... once we're all here, i'll explain!" i looked around at the hashiras, noticing an empty presence, "...kyo decided to retire?"

they nodded, and i turned my gaze to the stones on the floor.

it was all my fault!

if i had arrived earlier kyo would've been fine.

if i had was stronger, i could've killed that demon.

if i had—

"it's not your fault, (y/n)." muichiro broke me out of my thoughts with a light fist on top of my head. my empty eyes met his, "stop blaming yourself."

a small smile came to my lips, "thanks mui. i appreciate it."

finally, two children came to announce, "oyakata sama has arrived."

we all came to a bow as our leader entered the room and sat down, "it is great to have you all here again."

mitsuri greeted him for us, "we wish you good health and prosperity! thank you for gracing us with your presence!!"

he lightly laughed, "thank you mitsuri. now, let's get down to business. (y/n)? do you mind explaining what happened to you in tokyo for us?"

i stood up, "of course. as you all know, i was recently in tokyo and able to sight see thanks to mistu and iguro. i encountered muzan and upper demon two, who were walking together, in the middle of a tokyo crowd. i have a strong feeling that something big is coming soon if they were just strolling through tokyo..."

looking down at my hands, i continued, "i should've done something! he was right there, in my hands, yet i did nothing. i'm sorry i—"

this time, giyuu stopped me by pulling me into a warm hug, "it's okay (y/n). it's probably best that you didn't fight, we don't need you to get hurt again."

shinobu bitterly smiled at me, "upper demon two alone has been proven to be difficult. i don't want to lose you too..."

"thank you..." my voice was much weaker, but still managed to reach everyone.

oyakata sama spoke next, "don't blame yourself (y/n). you're so young, and have already lost so much. thank you for making it back and letting us know."

still slightly in giyuu's arms, i turned to our leader, "i did see something strange though... muzan had seven hearts and five brains. all functioning."

the pillars stiffened, "is that even possible?!?"

i grimly nodded, "there's no doubt about it... he really is the strongest demon."

with a thoughtful look, oyakata sama spoke, "that... definitely isn't expected. thank you for telling us (y/n). i believe that's all for tonight before you all have your patrols. be careful and stay safe everyone."

we all bowed once more, "of course oyakata sama! you too!!!"

after he was gone, i couldn't help but sigh, still feeling slightly useless because of what happened. giyuu lightly cupped my face and made me look up at him, "are you okay, (y/n)?"

seeing his worry, i lightened up, "i'm okay! thank you for worrying!!! oh, can we go visit kyo? i... haven't been able to check on him yet."

he released my face and i held his hand, pulling him as he replied, "sure. i'm sure he'll be happy to see you."


word count - 1521
a/n - my brain is slowly becoming mush IM SORRY IF THIS ISNT GOOD FHJDJDJD 🥺💘

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