ۼ Fifteen ۼ

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Kayla's Pov

Kayla's Pov

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"Don't cry. Please don't because your gonna make me cry." I said with watery eyes to my mom.

"I'm sorry but, I just feel like I hurt lovely to the point where she just hates me. I'm doing better I promise. I got rid of Boss I just don't know what to do to make her happy." She panicked with tears flooding down her face.

"Momma she will come around. Just have faith." I said rubbing her back and drying her eyes.

"But I didn't come over here to talk about lovely with you. We have bigger problems." I said nervously backing away from her.

"What happen." She said with a serious face like she wasn't just crying.

"Well.. you know the day when everything went down?" I said trying to lure in the conversation.

"What fuckin day Kayla?" She said tilting her head walking closer.

"Maaaa you know what I'm talkin about..When everything happen to lovely... jordan was at a friend house?" I said backing up more.

"Okay and?" She calmed down and said while sipping some coffee.

"Ma... don't... look it's not my fault it's not our fault it's actually yours..." I mumbled the last part.

"Girl what? you are slowly pissin me off. SAY THE SHIT!" She screamed getting agitated.

"JORDAN Is PREGNANT ma... she's not a virgin anymore she had sex unprotectedly with a boy down the street." I said quickly getting everything off my chest.

My mother sat quietly for at least 3 minutes straight. I stood far away just in case she tried to swing on me. Looking at her face I couldn't tell how she felt but the energy of the room didn't feel right.

"Pack all her shit and call your father and let him know. I'll send you all her school information." She said emotionless and walked upstairs.

"What? MA!" I shouted confused as hell.

"What do you mean pack her Stu-"

"K- Kayla- go home okay. I'm not about to do this shit I'm just not I'm already stressed out and if Jordan wants to be hot in the ass then that's her business and if you care so much about the shit then you can take care of her and that baby." She said dismissing me with her hand.

"So you just gonna abandon your daughter." I said.

"I'm not abandoning her, I'm teaching her that the decisions she makes in life is gonna affect her in the end." She said turning her t.v. on watching divorce court.

I was so pissed I felt like cursing my mom out but I kept my composure and just walked away. It's like I'm carrying all of the weight of this situation, Lovely not putting her two senses in or helping at all, Tony not considering Jordan's feelings, mom want nothing to do her and this is just too much for me to Handle.

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