ۼ Fourteen ۼ

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Lovely's Pov

"Good morning lovely, how are you feeling at the moment

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"Good morning lovely, how are you feeling at the moment." The female doctor came in.

"I'm feeling alright." I said lying to her. My body was still in a lot of pain I just wanted to go home I hated hospitals.

"Well that is good we have a woman out in the hall waiting on you. Today you will be going home, we're sending you back with these two medications you must take daily for the next 3 weeks." She said handing me some clothes and a bag with the medication in it the walking out.

I got up out of the hospital bed walking to the restroom built inside my room. I took off the gown they had me in and took a warm shower. After my shower I looked into the mirror at the bruises that layed on naked body. I placed my hand on them as the burned.

Putting on my clothes slowly, tears dropped from my eyes. I didn't understand what I did to deserve this. Nobody has done right by me my whole life.

Walking out of the room with my hair in a messy bun I made my way into the waiting room where I seen my mom waiting for me.

"Lovely!" She said running up to me for a hug as I put my hand in the way indicating I didn't want to be touched.

"Oh." She said slowly putting her head down in embarrassment as I followed her out the hospital.

"How are you?" She said as we walked to the car.

"Straight." I said dryly not wanting to talk to her. I didn't know why my mom was even here to come pick me up. She was the last person I wanted to see in a time like this. She didn't care about me, and I wasn't about to sit here playing this little game with her.

"Lovely.. look I understand you don't-" she tried to explain while driving as I grabbed my phone typing in a address into google maps.

"Take me here." I cut her off as she sighed shaking her head following the directions of the address.

We drove in silence as I layed my head back with my eyes closed. It sounded like she was crying near me but I didn't open my eyes to see since I really didn't care.

"You have arrived at your destination." The phone said. I opened my eyes looking at her then opening the door to hop out. Grabbing my medication she reached out and placed her hand on mines.

"I love you, so much. I hope you know that." She said with watery eyes. To avoid getting into my emotions I walked away from the car saying thank you for the ride.

I walked into the building. I'm making my way to the elevator I went to the 4th floor and walked to the door.

I knocked and waited.

"Who is it?" A female voice said.

"Lovely." I responded texting Kayla letting her know I was out of the hospital.

"Lovely? You know who that is?" I heard through the door.

She opened the door as I slowly looked up.

"You can come in." She said with a small smile.

I slowly walked in and looked around the place until my eyes fell on the person I was looking for.

I jogged to him giving him a big hug enduring all the pain I felt from it.

"You missed me?" He said smiling at me furrowing his eyebrows.

"Kinda." I said letting out a sigh of pain.

"You good?" He said looking at my body.

"I just feel a little pain." I said pulling my shirt down hiding the bruises that kept me in hella pain.

"How you get here?" He said.

"My mom came to the hospital." I said rolling my eyes.

"You saying that like it's a bad thing?" He said looking me in my eyes.

"I'm not really.. in a good relationship with my mom. It's a long story." I said avoiding eye contact because I didn't feel like having that talk.

"You could've called me." Von said looking over at the girl who sat at his table all in her phone.

"I know but, it was late notice. I didn't even know I was leaving yet." I said grabbing the medication.

"Can I have some water?" I asked him while taking out a pill from the morning only container. He got up to get a water bottle then came back to me handing me it.

"Oh yea, this is honesty my lil big sister." He said pointing at the girl who waved at me smiling.

"Hey." I said then popping the pill in my mouth pouring water then swallowing it.

"Von im about to go back home but she said she gone bring him, I don't know about the other one." She said while leaving out.

"Ight." He said.

VERY SHORT CHAPTER HAD TO GET YALL SUM. Who y'all think Von sister talking about. How y'all think lovely will react. Do y'all think they into each other? Friends with benefits? Close friends??

Should lovely forgive her mom?

Do y'all think they will fix the relationship?

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