ۼ Seventeen ۼ

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Von's Pov/Third person

"What is this shit?" Von said laying next to Lovely on the couch

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"What is this shit?" Von said laying next to Lovely on the couch.

"It's called anime." She said smiling paying close attention to the t.v.

"It's not even speaking english.. turn this shit." he said reaching for the remote.

"nooo!" she whined moving the remote farther away from him so he couldn't get it.

"come on stop playing.. you over here reading subtitles and shit." He sighed lowkey annoyed at the fact he didn't know what was being played on his t.v.

"Uh uh, don't you have something to do for my sister? go do that dang leave me alone." she chuckled.

Von layed there thinking about if he knew a girl name Terrany. But he didn't ever hear of that name until a few days ago when Kayla mentioned it to him. After letting that ponder his mind wondered to sex. Von hasn't had sex ever since Lovely's last weeks in the hospital. He made up his mind to slow down just in case she did have some type of feelings for him.

"fuck it." he said getting up then walking over the flat screen and unplugging it from the wall.

"Von!" Lovely yelled.

"why you yellin?" he said then walked away with a smirk.

"You ain't shit.. like that was childish as hell, if you can't read subtitles or don't understand anime just say that." she said rolling her eyes.

"and im not getting up to turn it on when you unplugged it if that's what you think." she finished while grabbing her phone.

Von made his way to the kitchen laughing on the inside cause he pissed somebody off today. Grabbing some fruit snacks he walked away from the cabinet then to door because somebody was knocking.

Looking out the peephole von seen his sister and a baby. Quickly opening the door the baby ran to von hugging his leg. von picked the baby up and opened the door wider for his sister to bring the bags in.

"hey man." Von said holding the baby.

"Hey von." he sister said to him then peeking around the corner seeing lovely.

"Hey lovely." Von sister Jaliah said smiling at her.

"That boy is bad, Im driving and i don't know how he manage to get his seat belt off but he standing up in the car seat throwing up gang signs out the window. Also i tried talking to Lexis about truee but she too difficult and don't wanna hear shit." Jaliah said putting the bags on the kitchen counter.

"He my twin he gone do that. What you mean she being difficult though?" Von asked wanting to hear more.

"She was saying something about you not getting truee while you got this and that going on. She also mentioned a girl that you hang with is bad news. Von i really don't know the girl is funny acting." She explained then grabbed her keys.

𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞 ☥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora