Late Night Training - Chapter 4

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The storage room was small and dusty but I find what I'm looking for easily. I drag out a dummy and a target. I set the Dummy and target up in the stadium before deciding what to do.

I stand motionless for a few minutes before deciding I should work on cool looking skills. So I look cool 😏

I drop my axe and step back before loading my crossbow. I stand a good 10 meters away from the target before I break into a run.
8 meters I jump and flip before army rolling to 5 meters.
5 meters I stop rolling. I rest my crossbow on one knee while the other knee is keeping me stable on then ground. I quickly shoot and watch the arrow fly straight to bullseye.

I feel a smile grow on my face. I continue to test things out constantly swapping between my axe and crossbow.

George POV
After I couldn't sleep I decided to go for a walk and good thing I did to. I came across the stadium and sat down in the audience seats. A few minutes later as I was about to leave I watch y/n walk in. She disappears but comes back with a training dummy and a target.

I watch her stand motionless for a few minutes before throwing her axe to the side and creating distance between her and the target. She loads up her crossbow and begins to run towards the target. My eyes widen as she jump and flips before army rolling and shooting the bullseye. She stayed still for a moment before standing up with a huge smile on her face.

Time passes by pretty quick as I watch her goof around and try things out. Half the things she did worked out perfectly and some failed miserably which I had to try insanely hard to not laugh at.

Without even noticing what I was doing I felt my legs take me down the stairs and into the middle of the stadium with y/n.

I had just finished something I came up with when I heard footsteps behind me. I loaded my crossbow and spun holding it up aimed and ready to fire. When I turned around my eyes were met with familiar dark brown ones.
"What are you doing her George" I say coldly dropping the crossbow from his head.
"I could ask you the same, but it's pretty clear" I scoff and I hear him chuckle.
"Well would you like to join me?"
"Sure, let me go get one of the spare axes and shields" he says before walking away.

When he comes back he's dressed blue suit almost identical to sapnaps. He has a shield and a diamond axe.
"1v1?" He asks.
"Sure, do you want me to go easy?" I joke. I watch him roll his eyes and smirk.

We get into position away from the training dummy and target. "Alright 3, 2, 1 GO!" he shouts.

I run towards him and instead of using my axe I decide to start with a kick. I fake a kick left and instead I quickly lower my leg as he goes to dodge and punch his right side which he left open. He winces before getting back into stance and charging towards me. He jumps up and uses gravity to gain momentum, as he comes down I move out of the way and watches as he slices through nothing. I sprint towards him and kick him back before holding my sword at his throat. This was a low move because normally most fights would end with the opponent on the floor, this time he was standing up. I drop my sword and shake his hand.
"You're really good" he speaks up.
"Want to go agai-?"
"Or y/n could 1v1 the amazing blood god" The 'blood god' buts in.
"Why is everyone suddenly wanting to train at like 2 in the morning?" I ask laughing. The boys shrug.
"You wouldn't mind right George?"
"Huh? Oh no! I would love to see this"
"Alright so it's settled"

George POV
I wasn't lying. I really do want to see y/n fight techno.
I pull out my phone before pressing record and resting it against a chair so I could show the boys later.
"Alright!" I yell
"3, 2, 1... FIGHT!"


I sprint towards technoblade and he does the same. He takes a swing as I get closer and I quickly duck before jumping back up and doing the same. He uses his shield and blocks my hit. He gives his shield a push and throws me back a little. He sprints towards me and jumps up. While he's in the air I pull out my crossbow and get a quick shot in before pulling my shield out and blocking his hit. I side roll away and get back to my feet. I notice he didn't get hit by my arrow and I groan. Ok, let's do something we made up before. I step back away from him and he lines up an arrow in his crossbow. I run towards him and as he shoots I jump into the air dodging it. I flip I'm the air and army roll before lining up and firing my crossbow at him. He quickly pulls out his shield and waits for my arrow. I use this time to run towards him, as he moves his shield away I take a swing which he blocks with his sword. I push on his sword and it slowly inches closer to his face. With a quick motion he throws both our weapons into the air and far away, leaving us agreeing on a first only fight.

I drop my crossbow and shield with him doing the same. I run towards him and aim a few punches to his abdomen and head which he grabs and dodges. He kicks me back and swipes his leg on the ground causing me to trip over. He runs over to make sure I stay down but before he gets the chance I jump back up and kick him back giving me space. He runs back to close the distance and as he gets closer I throw a high kick towards his head. My plan works perfectly and he grabs my foot throwing it back down. As he throws my foot back down I use it's momentum to jump and twist my body using my other leg to kick even harder to the other side of his head. As my foot collides with his head he loses balance and trips over. I stand over him and he nods signalling the fights over. I help him up and we both turn to George who's standing there catching flies.

"I-I... w-What?... HOLY SHIT" he yells
I laugh and shake technos hand.
"Good job blood god" I smile, he nods his head and walks out of the stadium.

"What the fuck y/n... I know you beat techno before... but jesus crist!" I laugh as he jumps down and walks towards me.
"That was intense"
"Yeah it was" I felt my head go light but decided to ignore it. "How about we clean up and get some sleep?"
"Yeah ok" he agrees and turns off to clean. I begin to walk but feel my feet stop when I can't see straight. I close my eyes tightly and hit my head a few times before continuing to walk.
"You ok?"
"Huh?... yeah..." the room was still spinning and George was now a part of a triplet. "George..."
"T-There's 3 of you..." I felt my legs give out and my body hit the ground. After that everything went black.

George POV
"Y/N!" I yell as she drops to the floor. "Fucking hell..." I mumble.
Ugh... I'm not allowed in L'manburg and everyone would be asleep...


Please don't hate me when you wake up...

I pick y/n up and begin to carry her to the base I share with Dream and Sapnap.

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