Snow - Chapter 13

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Sapnap POV

"I hate her" I say. I hated her stubbornness, I hated how she thinks, I hate how she always has a reason for everything, I hate how she has to have wolves that don't like me, I hate her... I hate myself for kissing her... I hate myself for thinking everything would be fine, I hate myself for not trying to sort things out, I hate myself for hurting her, I hate those fucking dogs.

"Yes we know" Dream says rubbing his temple. "You've only said it each time you've paced the room!" He shouts.

"Well it's true! She's so stubborn" Dream groans and leans back in his chair.

"Why won't you just admit you like her"

"I DO NOT LIKE HER! she's a disgusting, selfish rat!" I cross my arms.

"You're acting like Tommy now" he chuckles at my tantrum.

"I'm not acting like Tommy" I pout.

"You are though" George said entering the room.

"And you're British so you don't get a say in this" I say. Dream laughs and George scoffs. "I'm leaving, maybe I can laugh at her pathetic state" Dream rolls his eyes and watches as I leave the house.

I heard a muffled "I'm gonna kill him" as I walked down the path and I knew it was Dream joking around.

Philza POV

"are you sure this is going to work?" Techno said, watching y/n slowly walk through the snow. "I doubt she's even going to make it out of the biome!" He shouts pointing at her shivering state.

"Trust me, the plan will work" I say. "She's tougher than you think, she beat you"

"That was a fluke" he grumbled.

"A fluke that took your position as first"

"Whatever you're old" I laugh at him and turn away back into the house after seeing y/n collapse under a tree.

Techno looked back at her as I entered the house but he huffed and followed me in.

Sapnap POV

As slow as possible I made my way over to the sinkhole y/n stupidly got stuck in. The wolves disappeared the first night she was down there and I've never seen them since. The ones that chases her in there I mean. Not her muts.

A low whimper mixed with a growl sounded behind me and I turned to see the 3 wolves. I looked back down into the sinkhole and see no sign of y/n at all. "Where is she." I say harsher and more caring than I would've liked.

The wolf with the thicker coat stepped closer towards me and growled. "Where is she! You should know!" I shout at it. The wolf launched at me and latched onto my arm, pushing me to the ground. Luckily my amour stopped the wolves teeth from piercing my skin. Another one of the wolves growled, this one had a chuck of it's left ear missing. The wolf that launched at me let me go and retreated back to the others.

The one with the messed up ear whined and motioned it's head further around the sinkhole before it began to run. I followed after the wolf and the other 2 followed behind me. No wonder y/n liked these stupid dogs. They're smart.

The dog slowed at a few trees and when I looked at the ground there were two sets of footprints. A big pair of what looks like... techno's combat boots. The ones he wore in his duel with y/n, the one George recorded. I took note of the patterns on the ground of the arena. The second pair must be y/n.

"Techno took her?" I mumble. "Why..."

I slowly start to follow the footsteps. I had absolutely no weapons on me and if I were too run into techno I would be as good as dead.


Footsteps slowly approach me. I could hear the snow crunch under their shoes. From when I first fell to where I was now, wasn't much of a difference. But I was getting closer to leaving. I just probably wouldn't ask it out.

My teeth rattled and my whole body shook as I stood back up and stepped out from under the spruce tree. Whoever was getting closer can kiss my ass. I'm not staying for them to rescue me, even if I feel like my legs are about to snap off from frostbite.

Almost as soon as I thought that my legs collapsed under me and I fell into the snow.

"Now that that was really sad"

I knew who it was already. That stupid irritating voice.

"F-F-F-Fuck! Y-You..." I said slowly using my blistered hands to push myself out of the snow and back to my feet.

"Uh you do realise you're walking towards techno's house right?" He said. I blink a few times and use my hand to cover the sun. Just as he said, techno's house was infront of me. I swear I wasn't going that way. To my right I could see my set of footprints I made walking away from techno's house. He was right.

"I k-k-knew t-t-that" I said. My teeth wouldn't stop rattling and it made my voice wobbly and my speech come out stuttered and slurred.

"As much as I'd love to watch you struggle-" he said. I felt his hands wrap around me and my feet get lifted off of the ground. "-I need answers as to why techno needed you" he presses me against his chest and I could feel the heat radiating off of him like some sort of fire place.

"Ssss-s-Sapnap?" I stutter, soundly snake like.


"Fuck you..." I mumbled. I could hear him chuckle and feel his chest shake. Almost baby like I fell off into a slumber from the small motions.

I was going to publish this sooner... but... mask kinda distracted me.

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