Figure - Chapter 6

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Sapnap POV
The figure continued to duck and weave throughout the whole forest. I almost lost it a few times from it's pace but i managed to stay out of sight and hot on it's trail. My thoughts were clouded from everything going on I didn't realise I had actually tripped over until I met the ground. And by the time I got to my feet again the figure was long gone.


"Your equipment should still be at the stadium" Dream says leading me out of their base.

He steps in front of the door and stops me from exiting. He looks lost in thought before opening his mouth to speak.

"Sapnaps not a bad guy" he looks down at me.
"We would appreciate it if you gave him a chance..."

"Move Dream"
"You're not listening"
"I never said I was going to in the first place, now move"
"I don't care what you think of me but I do about Sapnap and George. So stop being stubborn and listen!" He pushes me back further from the door.

"No dream! You listen to me" I point at him regaining my balance. "I did not spend 2 years being tormented and tortured by you 3 to come back and become besties!" I shout. "I forgave you, and I forgave George and Sapnap. Don't you DARE! Think I'm going to be pushed around by you 3 again"

Dream opens his mouth to say something but when he closes it I take it as an opportunity to continue.

"I'm not going to sit here and listen to you try and tell me how much you guys have changed. Because so far" I look him up and down. "I don't see anything that's changed"

"Listen to me" he leans against the door. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow indicating I'm going to listen. "I understand how you're feeling" I scoff at his starting sentence. "But I want to help"
"Help? HELP?! How the fuck are you going to help m-!?"
"I SAID LISTEN TO ME!" He yells which makes me slightly jump back.

"I want to help you get over your fear of Sapnap"
"Sapnap? I'm not scared of Sapnap"
"Are you sure?"

"Yes, positive"
"So if I were to call him in here right n-"
"Don't you fucking dare"
"Why not?" He raises an eyebrow.
"...There's no point getting him involved"

"Just accept it y/n... your scared"
"I'm not scared" I refuse. "Now move" i take a step forward. He sighs and takes a step closer.

"Please just listen, y/n" he says again. I huff and lean against the wall. My temper was rising by the second I knew he knew that. "I get how you feel, Sapnap, George and I used to hurt you for fun, but have we so far?"
"No instead George has kidnapped me and you're refusing to let me leave" he groans and pulls at his hair.

"Can we all just start over again? All of us?" He says calmer.
"No dream, we can't"
"And why not." He spat.
"Because if you were in my position you probably would've killed someone by now, be thankful I haven't mailed your head to George. I'm sure he would've loved to open a carefully decorated gift signed by you... only to fin-"
"Stop!" He shouts cringing at the thought I forced into his mind.
"What? Hard to face reality? Grow up" I spit and push past him.

"How fucking dare he" I mumble as I walk towards the stadium.


Once at the stadium I found my stuff and go to walk out of the stadium but a familiar shadow is blocking the way.

"Move" I say clenching my sword in one hand. He grabs hints sword from his back and swings it around.
"Are you actually going to listen?"
"You're so fucking stubborn" I curse.
"Maybe." He says taking a step towards me. "But maybe that's how I get my way" he says before raising his sword.

I jump back and barely miss his swing before running back into the centre of the stadium.
"Don't start this Dream" I said raising my sword to a defensive position.
"I'm here for a deal y/n..." he said slyly. "If I win, you have to listen to me and get over your fear of Sapnap"
"I'm not scared of Sapnap!"
"Alright, whatever. And if you win, I leave you alone"

'Weak' | Sapnap x ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя