Wolves - Chapter 9

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The growls got closer and I turned back for a split second to see a group of blood thirsty wolves chasing after me, or the heard of sheep.

Dream was running in the taller part of the ditch to my left while Sapnap was running on the ground the oak tree was in. He jumped down next to me before running along side me as the curve of the oak tree ground stopped. He stumbled at first before quickly catching up.

We turned down a side the sheep prints went down and I could see Dream speeding up to the side. He jumped onto his stomach and place his arm down to grab hold of. I move to sapnaps right and shoved him towards Dream. Dream latched onto sapnaps collar of his shirt and hoisted him out of the ditch. "Y/n!" Sapnap called out from the top of the ditch, slight anger in his voice, otherwise it sounded scared.

The growls of the wolves got closer and my feet were beginning to stumble under the uneven surface and rocks. I could see the sheep on the side of the ditch to my left up ahead. A rock slide was trapping 3 or 4 in the ditch. Majority of them must've got out before the rocks fell trapping the last few. Then I saw what stopped them from continuing. A dead end. Literally a DEAD end.

At the end of the path was a drop, a straight drop. I peaked over the edge and saw a small lake of water, it looked like majority of it was dried up and I couldn't tell how far down it went.

I turned to see if I could run up the rock slide but when I turned around. I heard the last few cries of the sheep. The wolf pack was here. Sapnap and Dream were still running along the side to catch up, but they were too far away to do anything.

A bigger wolf from the pack stepped forward and I'm guessing it was the alpha. It growled and I stepped back, now right of the edge of the cliff. "Y/n!" The boys called out. I looked at them and knew they weren't going to get here in time. The wolves began to step closer and I peered over the edge knowing I could die right here if I didn't jump, but also I could die if I did.

There was a chance the water was deep enough for me to not hit the bottom, there's a chance I drown, there a chance I completely die from the shallow water and there's a chance I miss the water completely. Those were odds I was willing to take. I turned and threw myself over the cliff, hearing Sapnap call out my name again.

The ground got closer and closer, before soon enough I felt the cold water wrap around my body and I'm sucked under. Instantly I swim up as soon as possible and cough the second I reach the surface. I held my breath too late and sucked in a small amount of water. I crawl out of the water, shaking both from adrenaline and from the cold. Rolling on my back I look back up the cliff.

Sapnap and Dream were looking down at me while a few wolves tried to climb up to them. The rest of the pack surround the edge of the cliff. The 2 wolves that tried to get the boys slid down the ditch and into the wolf heard making a few fall down. I watched them hit the water whining, before breaking through to the surface again. I groan and get to my feet again. The lake was pretty much the only things down here, except for a singular acacia tree.

Sprinting for that I hear the wolves growls and footsteps get closer. "Why won't you quit it!" I yell at them wishing they heard and listened, they didn't. Before I could get to the tree one bites my ankle making me wince in pain and trip over. Then I realised there was only one wolf following me to begin with.

The wolf who tripped me stood over me and I used my palm to hit
the side of it's head. It whined as I hit it and rolled off of me from the little force I applied to it's side. I get back up to my feet and run to the tree quickly climbing it. The wolf got back to it's feet by the time I was up the tree. It began to limp back to it's friend who was also pushed over the edge. His friend was laying down at the edge of the water.

That's when I noticed something off about the wolves. The rest of the pack was white, they were snow wolves. These were brown wolves. I don't think they are even in the pack. Maybe they saw the others chase me and took me as an easy meal? Either way they were both incredibly skinny compared the the strong, healthy build of the snow wolves. I had a feeling they were struggling to stay alive as it was, and falling down a 50ft cliff wasn't ideal.

I felt a little bad.

Through the branches I saw the sheep and wolves were gone from the top of the cliff. So was Dream and Sapnap. I felt a little betrayed, had they left me to die? Maybe they went to get help? It still would've been nice to have a heads up of their plan.

I hadn't eaten all day and my stomachs was killing me from the lack of food. Then I had a plan. I snapped a few sticks off of the tree and grabbed a few sharp looking rocks, along as bigger thick ones. I used the sharp rocks to sharpen the sticks and make spears, while I had the bigger rock for other reasons. There had to be fish in the lake, perhaps a rabbit hole somewhere. If there were fish in the lake, the sudden dried up parts of the lake, shrinking it would push them all towards one area, making it easier to get... hopefully.

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