Forest - Chapter 8

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My mind was racing with questions I couldn't supply answers with. I was tired from my fight earlier but I needed to clear my mind. I left the safety of the lmanburg walls and walked deeper into the forest.

Each twig that snapped made me anxious and the wall really wasn't helping me clear my mind. I kept on imagining creatures jumping out at me, long claws, dark eyes, sharp teeth, blood, lots of blood. I tried to shake it off but every rustle, snap and sound an animal made my heart rate increased.

"Y/n?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I spun around expecting to see some sort of demented human, creature but instead a short brown haired male, with a colourful jumper with a swirl and a pocket watch around his neck was standing there. He stood out, why couldn't I see him? It's like he appeared out of no where. Then it hit me, who he was.
"Karl?" His eyes widened and he pulled me into a hug.

My brother, my older brother was here, he was right in front of me. He went missing when I was younger...

I was overwhelmed with emotions I didn't notice I passed out until I woke up in a bedroom I didn't recognise.

"Karl?" I whisper getting up from the bed. "Oh it's you" my mood changed seeing the man in the chair. He chuckles and stands up, easily towering over me.
"Nice to see you too" he smiled. "Ready for our hangout?" He says excitingly.
"It's fine, I promise he won't hurt you" he smiles putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me Dream" I say slapping his hand away. He rolls his eyes and say I need to get used to physical touch. "I don't care if others put their hands on me, I don't like you or any of your friends touching me" he raises a brow but drops the topic.
"Clothes are on the table, I'll be waiting outside"

He left the room and I looked over at the table. Without a doubt these were sapnaps. I could see what Dream wanted to do. So how about no.

I walked to his bathroom and cleaned myself up a bit before walking out in the same clothes I slept in. It was my comfy clothes from dinner yesterday. Grey sweats and a black long sleeve. My weapons were gone though.

I exit the room and instantly questioned Dream.
"Where is my axe"
"I have them" he smirks pushing himself off of the wall.
"I don't need you going all chop chop because this doesn't go your way" he smirks. I roll my eyes and follow him out of the house. "Why didn't you get changed?"
"I'm not wearing Sapnaps clothes" I say standing confidently even though I didn't feel it one bit.
"Why not?"
"Why should I?" He goes silent not having an answer. Instantly I know I've won this argument and can't help but smile.


We approach the path and I see Sapnap leaning against a tree at the end of it. He gets off of it seeing us approaching and a lump forms in my throat seeing his sword attached to his hip. Now that I think about they both have them, but yet I'm left defenceless. An uneasy feeling grew in my stomach as I began to feel vulnerable and weak like I used to p abe.

"Hey Dream, Hey y/n" he waves. Dream greets him but I stay silent.
"Say Hey y/n" Dream nudges me, whispering.
"Hello Sapnap" I mumble. A smile grow on both of their faces and we continue down the path.

"So, what's the plan?" Sapnap asks Dream. Dream was to my left, Sapnap to my right.
"I was thinking we could muck around in the woods" he smiles making us turn to begin walking in.

Trees quickly surrounded us and I had lost my sense of direction. I couldn't see the path or the way we came. The amount of turns we took was insane. I tried to keep note of the direction but the constant questions Dream was asking me was throwing me off.

"Here we are" he smiles explaining his arms. In front of him was a singular big oak tree with a small ditch like circle surrounding it. I began to walk towards it hoping to climb to a point they couldn't get me, then sit the rest of the day out.

"Hey y/n! Wait up" Sapnap called out running up to my side. "I'm really sorry for anything Dream said or did" he apologised rubbing his neck and looking down to his feet. He seemed generally sorry, but I stayed quiet and continued to walk towards the tree. "And I'm sorry for everything we did to you in the past" he apologised sliding down the ditch with me.

The ditch was maybe... 7ft tall, 10ft wide? It was huge. And was going to be a struggle getting out of.

We got to the other side in no time, and I attempted to climb while Sapnap continued to apologise for everything he had done.

I got halfway up the ditch when the root I was holding broke and sent me falling back. Before I could hit the ground I felt arms wrap around me and stop me completely. I open my eyes and see Sapnap holding in his arms Princess style. Quickly pushing myself out of his arms I turn to find something to get me out of the ditch without needing his help.

Sapnap followed me in silence with a pink tint to his cheeks. I find a strong stick and run to the other side of the ditch, planning to use the stick to launch myself up the side. "Are you sure that's going to work?" Sapnap asked conceded seeing me grip the stick tighter. "Does it matter?" I turn to him, glaring. He shrugs and watches as I sprint towards the end.

I stick the end of the stick into the dirt and launch myself. A third from the top the stick snaps and send me crashing into the dirt wall. I grab hold of the closest thing, being another tree root and climb up, bringing myself to the ledge. I puff and look down trying to find Sapnap, but almost slide back down seeing his stupid face appear in my side view. "Ahh! You mother fucker!" I yell shoving him back. He laughs and gets to his feet helping me up.


We ended up climbing the tree for 2 hours, laughing and joking around. While Dream sat on the other side of the ditch, face mask covering his face taking a mighty nap.

"We should head back" I say, he agrees and we climb down to the ground.

We got to the edge and I slide down the ditch while Sapnap watches me from the top. A rumbling on the ground made small rocks bounce across the ground. "What's happening?" I ask slightly scared.
"I'm not sure" he says standing up straight and looking into the distance. Suddenly a white fluffy blob runs full speed at me. Followed by another, then another and soon a whole heard covered the ditch walls making me press against the sides to avoid begin trampled by the sheep heard.

"Are you alright?" He yells down at me as I brush myself off.
"Uhh yeah..." I say. Why would they run like that? What makes a heard of sheep run like that? The rumbling of the ground continued and I look up to see Dream standing up tall now aswell. What scares sheep that bad? A low growl echoed off of the ditch and everything rushed to me. I turn around and run after the sheep, the second I do I hear both Dream and Sapnap yell run aswell. They must've figured it out aswell.

'Weak' | Sapnap x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon