'Resuce' - Chapter 11

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When I woke up again the wolves were no longer laying next to me. But instead growling at a rock. Flint and Leo were more at the front, while Rune was further back while his front paw was lifted off of the ground. I hurried to my feet and picked up a spear before walking towards them.

I called them off and they hurried to run back to my side. "Come out" I grit my teeth. I squinted my eyes to get used to the bright sun and held my spear tighter. I almost jumped out of my skin when I was unexpected movement. A small rodent ran across the floor and the trio didn't spare a second to chase after the defenceless thing. I cursed myself out for expecting a fight from a squirrel and walked back to the lake.

I cleaned up my face and rubbed water over my arms to get off any dirt. The trio eventually trotted back, a limp squirrel in Leo's mouth. I gape at them and Rune takes it as an opportunity to grab the other side of the squirrel and play tug of war. I cringed at the sound of the squirrel's bones breaking and walk back to the campfire away from the game.

"Y/n!" A voice echoes down to me. I look up and see Sapnap, Dream and George. The wolf trio quickly runs over to me, blood around Leo and Runes mouth. "Behind you!" They yell out. I turn to the wolves and realise what they mean. I sit down on the ground and pat the wolves hoping they would get the hint. I tried to avoid Leo and Rune's mouth and licks though. I watch as Dream drops a small sachet down and I run over to when it hit the ground.

I pick up the brown bag and open it to find a few enderpearls. Looking back at the wolves I realise I would have to leave them behind. I think they sensed the mood and sat down whining. I walked over and patted each of them, before grasping and enderpearl and throwing it as far as I could.

It landed a little above halfway on a small ledge. I looked down and saw the 3 wolves spinning in circles. From here I could see now way out, it was a sinkhole. They were going to die down there. I grabbed another enderpearl and through it up again, this time landing on the very edge of the cliff.

"Oh thank god!" Sapnap yelled pulling me into a hug.
"Uh yeah" I say pulling out of it. "I need levitation potions, or a way to get them up" I smile. Indicating to the 3 wolves.
"What!?" George yells. "Why?"
"Because there's no way out, they're going to die down there" I explain, slightly annoyed.
"And? They chased you down there in the first place" Dream says crossing his arms.
"Well if they're going to be stuck down there to die... I'll join them" I say before quickly dropping a enderpearl over the edge. Then turning to the edge and jumping off.

Sapnap cried out to me and jumped towards me. I felt him grab hold of me before the enderpearl hit the ground and we both teleported to the floor. We grunted feeling the hard floor against our stomachs and I roll away from him. "Why the fuck did you jump after me" I groan now sitting on my knees.
"Why the fuck did you jump in the first place" he says sitting up on his ass.
"I told you I wasn't leaving them" I said getting to my feet and rushing over to the lake where I saw the 3 of them. They wined running up to me, scared that I did leave them for good.

I pat each of them before running to the lake to clean Leo and Runes mouth. I was surprised they trusted me so easily, but I guess I did save them from starving.

"So..." Sapnap said making the 3 wolves turn to face him, they growled and made him back off. "Uhh..." I ran in front of Sapnap and called them off. They didn't listen. "He's my friend" I say. It didn't work.
"Maybe they need more convincing" he says.
"What do you mea-" Sapnap grabs my jaw and pulls me into a kiss cutting me off. It worked, they stopped growling, but I didn't want him touching me, let alone kissing me.

I shoved him back, cursed him out and walked away angrily. Flint continued to growl at him, not letting him anywhere near me, while Leo and Rune played tug of war with a stick. At least it was a stick this time. I watch the whole thing play out.

At this point I don't care if Flint did maul him. But I knew I would in a day or two. I call Flint over and he comes and rests in my lap. The others continue to play while Sapnap and Flint stare each other down. When Sapnap took a step the louder Flint's growling got.

"I'd watch yourself Sapnap" I want him, just in case he didn't already get the hint.
After a few moments of silence he speaks up. "I'm sorry" he says slouching over. I huff and push Flint off, telling him to stay.

"Why? Because you kissed me without my permission?" I ask walking over to him, stopping 3ft away and crossing my arms.
"Well it worked... didn't it?" He smiles innocently.
"Is this some sort of game to you!?" I snap. "Are my feeling a game to you!" I shout gaining the trios attention. I couldn't be bothered to call them off and continue to shout. "I actually enjoyed talking to you yesterday!" I confess. "I was actually going to consider forgiving your sorry ass." I state looking him up and down.

"Why? Because you have ptsd of when we were kids!?" He shouts. "Because your scared of me!?"
"Yes!" I shout. "I'm fucking terrified of you!" I scream, I could hear my words echo back to me. "I'm terrified of what you can do! I'm terrified of how badly you can hurt me! I'm completely terrified of you!" I shout with tears running down my cheeks. I wipe them away and force myself to stop crying.

Flint sneaks up to my left before standing in front of me protectively. I take the sachet off of my shoulder and throw it at him, he catches it. "You can take your leave now.". He looks at the sachet in his hands and back at me.
"No." He says swinging it over his shoulder. Leo was now with Flint growling louder then ever. "Call them off y/n"
"You can leave" I say standing my ground.

The 2 wolves began closing the gap between them and Sapnap. He stepped back to keep the distance. "Y/n?" He called out to me.
"Take your leave Sapnap" I say turning around away from them. Rune was laying down behind me watching it all take place. I sit against a rock and hear the growling from behind me stop. Without turning around I already knew he pearled away. I could see the purple particles at the top of the cliff.

I sigh and wipe falling tears away. I once again felt alone.

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