Duel - Chapter 3

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We finally get the stadium and I'm surprised, it's actually really nicely built. The stadium has seats for audience members, it has obstacles and places to hide and duck under while fighting, it has a medical bay along with rooms for fighters.

I look around the stadium and my eyes quickly stop on the many seats that were filled. Everyone who was up and free had a seat and was waiting for Sapnap and me to duel. It made me nervous knowing I used to be picked on by these people, they USED to be stronger than me, it's funny how times change.

I get given my own change room and I enter before talking myself up and making sure my things are all set. I pull down my hood, mask and bandanna before making sure they are secure. I walk out of the room and into the stadium, as I walk in I hear Wilbur, Niki, Tommy, Tubbo and the rest of L'manburg cheer for me. Surprisingly techno was aswell, he got a few stares for this but they stopped when he stared back at them. The crowd became much louder as Sapnap walked into the stadium. L'manburg was easily yelled over because of the how many more people were cheering for Sapnap.

My gaze turned away from L'manburg and onto Sapnap who was walking into the stadium with tight black netherite amour like my own. His hair was tied back and he was walking in with his shield, sword and crossbow.

He looked nice

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

He looked nice... wait what? NO! SHUT UP MIND

I pushed my thoughts away and walked towards him. I held out my hand which he shook before we both backed up almost in sync. The crowd went silent as Dream and George announced what was happening.
"So today! Ladies and Gentlemen! Sapnap here... had challenged Wisp to a 1v1!" The crowd erupted even louder than before.
"Let's see how the two old 'friends' treat each other" they continue. I roll my eyes and watch Sapnap do the same since he wasn't wearing a mask.
I hear the count down start and get into position.

"3!..." I felt my heart race in my chest.

"2!..." I heard my breathing pick up.

"1!..." I clenched my axe harder.


I kicked off of the ground and sprinted towards Sapnap before jumping and hitting towards his face. He pulls up his sword and blocks my hit before pushing me back. I stumble back and he begins to run towards me before swinging his sword to my right. I pull out my shield and block before kicking his stomach and pushing him back. He gripped his stomach as he stumbled back before running towards me again. This time he stopped half way, pulled out his crossbow and took a shot. I felt myself crouch down and pull out my shield, shielding my whole body. I felt the arrow collide with my shield. I hear myself sharply exhale before jumping up and shooting at him. As my arrow flies through the air and he goes to dodge it I sprint towards him, jump into the air before spinning and kicking his left side HARD.

I hear him grunt as he stumbles vulnerably to his right. As I gain my stepping again I walk towards him and kick his sword out of his hands, place my foot behind him like I did before to Dream and trip him over. He falls to the floor and I finish the fight holding my axe at his neck.

'Weak' | Sapnap x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang