Chapter 65 - Farewell, Hito...

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After the war, everything was the same again, but one thing has changed. Naruto-kun became a hero admired from all over the world…

"Naruto-senpai!!! You are so amazing!!!" Naruto’s fangirls yelled at him.

"P-please stop. I'm not that great…" Naruto was embarrassed, and Hinata watched from the side.

"Maybe he'll find someone better…" Hinata thought, though it hurt. But when she turned, she was surprised. Naruto was standing right in front of her.

"It was hard to get rid of them, but I finally found you," said Naruto. Hinata blushed.

"I-I thought you forgot about me already…"

"Silly, how can I forget about you? You're my everything…" Hinata blushed and he kissed her.

"Listen, we broke up before the war, but now ... It's after the war now, so…"

"I want to be your girlfriend again!" Hinata seriously said and hugged him. "Now I'm really happy! Wouldn't you like to go on a date?!"

"Let me guess, to Ichiraku?"

"Huh? How did you know?"

"You know, I'd love to, but I still have work to do…"

"What is more important than our date?"

"My promise to Hito."

"Wait, you are not…" Hinata looked at the ground. 

"I have promised that..."

"I will go with you. It will be difficult for you, I want to stand by you. I liked her too." Hinata smiled at him.

"Those girls are right, you're amazing!"

"But it sounds convincing only from you." She blushed.

"L-let’s go."

"You're still nervous about me," teased Naruto.

"And whose fault is it?"

"I can't blame myself for being so irresistible." She giggled.

"You are joking."

"Tell me that's not true."

"It is."

"In that case, I will have to convince you…" He began to tickle her.

"Hahahah...! Stop it!"

"Not until you call it off!"

"All right, all right, you're irresistible. Now please stop!" He stopped.

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear, but only from you." She blushed. After a while, they reached Hito.

"Hinata!" Hito was surprised.

"Great-grandma!" Hinata hugged her.

"Are you ready?" Hinata looked at Naruto and he touched her shoulder. Then she nodded.

"Please start," said Hito. Hinata closed her eyes. A blue-green glow streamed from her hands. She should have taken away Hito's lifespan. Hito's soul began to separate from her body.

"Thank you, Hinata. I will never forget it…" Before she left for good, her memories appeared in Hinata's mind. Hinata learned that she, too, had fought in the war. She fought against Chiyo-baasama...

Hito left for good, but she was happy for it. Hinata fell to her knees. It was a difficult process, but the pain grounded Hinata. Naruto held her. Hinata covered her face and cried. Naruto didn't like to see her in this condition, but he knew he won't cheer her up today. Why? I think you already know the answer. Neji's funeral took place. Even the funeral of Inoichi and Shikaku, who died in the war. The funeral was sad, Hinata still couldn't believe that Hito and Neji were really gone and she would never see them again. Fortunately, Naruto stood by her side, so everything was more bearable for her.

Shortly afterwards, Kakashi became Hokage. Tsunade had been working in this business for a long time and also wanted to enjoy a vacation. Naruto was supposed to be his successor, but first he had to learn. Sasuke remained in prison for his sins. Naruto pleaded for him, but Sasuke had to serve his sentence.

Hinata kept her promise to Minato, she went to Naruto to cook every day because he should follow a healthy diet. But Naruto provoked her a lot and it was hard for her to cook at all.

"So what are you cooking  today?"

"Baked spaghetti with vegetable salad."

"It sounds tempting, but I'd much rather have you." He smirked.


"I’m just kidding, but it is true. We've been together for a long time..."

"That's probably true, but you have to understand that my clan has strict rules on this subject."

"Right, Hyuuga clan is full of strict rules."

"You will have to wait until the wedding…"

"I'll wait as long as it takes to just be with you." She blushed.

"But the apron suits you very well."

"I know, you're telling me this for the third time."

"And I could even continue." She giggled.

„Today, Sasuke is going on his journey to pay for his sins."

"I heard Sakura-chan is going with him."

"You heard right…"

"Are you sad? After all, you liked Sakura-chan…"

"I have you. I would always choose you over her-ttebayo. But two of my friends are going a long way. It's not at all certain when I'll see them again…" Hinata wrapped her arms around his neck.

"We can visit them ourselves..." Naruto took her hand.

"That's a really great idea."

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