Chapter 11

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One month before the finals

"Ehhh??!! Kakashi-sensei, you won’t train me?!"

"I will train Sasuke. I have already found you a teacher."

"Who? Who?"

"It’s Ebisu."

"Ehhh? Closet pervert?"

"He’s strong!"

"Really? I defeated him with Oiroke no jutsu."


"I want someone stronger!!"

"Hey, Naruto, don’t be so fussy." Naruto didn’t have a choice so he trained with Ebisu for awhile, but then he met someone stronger.

"Sir, could you teach me?"

"I don’t have a time to train a brat like you!"

"Why?! All you do is sneaking on girls-ttebayo!!"

"Did you hear?! Someone is sneaking on us! Ahhh! Runn!"

"Now you ruined it." Naruto was proud of himself.


"Uzumaki Naruto! One day I’ll become Hokage!"



"You remind me of Fourth Hokage."


"Maybe I’ll train you."

"Really?! Ero-sennin?!"

"Don’t call me that!"

"As you wish, Ero-sennin!"


"With what will we start?"

"Just do what you did with Ebisu."

"All right!" They were training near a lake. Naruto didn't do very well.

"Why can’t you control your chakra?"

"I don’t know."

"Show me your belly."


"Just do it." Naruto did as he said.

"I knew it." Then he removed the seal of five elements.

"Tss, I thought I removed it. Well, it doesn’t matter. At least he made my job easier."

"Why did you do it??!!"

"Try to do it again." Naruto preferred to undress in case he fell again.

"You are quite sexy in underwear." Naruto ignored him. He focused on controlling the chakra.

"Now!" He did it. He was standing on the water.

"I did it! I did it!"

"Good work."

"Thank you, Ero-sennin!"

"Well, I still have to do something, I'll see you later…"

"You want to go sneak up on girls, don’t you?"


"You are unteachable, Ero-sennin. But I still have to go see someone, so it doesn’t matter."

"It’s a date?"

"No. She’s in the hospital."

"So it’s she…"

"You are weird."

"You have to be nice to women, Naruto!" said seriously Jiraiya.

"A-all right."

"Good luck!"

"It’s not a date…" Then Naruto left and Jiraiya … Well, he went to sneak up on girls. He learned at the front desk that Hinata was in room number 7.

"N-Naruto-kun? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I wanted to visit you. You are my teammate after all."

"T-that’s true."

"Are you all right? Neji beat you really badly."

"I-I will be…" Naruto clenched his fist.

"I'll show him for what he did to you, dattebayo!"

"I-it’s nothing."

"How nothing?! He wanted to kill you!"

"But he didn’t."

"Yeah, because he couldn’t." There was a strange atmosphere between them.

"M-maybe you should go…"

"Do you really want that?" Hinata nodded.

"No…" she thought.

"Get well soon…" said Naruto and left.

I wish I could tell him my real feelings … No, Hinata, you have to be strong! Naruto-kun wouldn’t like a loser like you! It’s true, but it hurts at the same time. The last battle, I was fighting for him. Because he was cheering for me, I was able to fight Neji-nii-san. But still, I was weak … I have to get stronger, so Naruto-kun will notice me! I have to change!

"Why is she so nice to him? He almost killed her! That’s unforgivable." Naruto was thinking about it all the time.

"Yo! How was your date?"


"Ehh, you won’t stop, will you?"

"What are you doing here?!"

"I want to teach you something!"

"What?! What?!"

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!"


"Kuchiyose no jutsu, it’s a summoning technique."

"It sounds cool!"

"I know. Look!"

Jiraiya summoned a toad.


"But first you have to learn to control Kyuubi's chakra."


"It will come in handy. Now exhaust all your current chakra…"

Meanwhile with Sasuke

"Kakashi, what are we doing here?"

"I’ll teach you my own technique."

"Your own?"

"You need a Sharingan for that, so you're a perfect fit." Sasuke learned it in few days.

"I see. Two is your limit… Huh?"

"What happened?"

"Get out!"

"I’m suprised that you found me."

"Aren’t you Gaara-kun? What are you doing here?"

"I watch my prey." He looked at Sasuke.

"He’s really cold blooded," thought Kakashi.

"We're in the middle of training, can I ask you to leave?"

"As you wish," said Gaara and left. He looked at Sasuke sinisterly for the last time.

"Let’s continue!" said Sasuke.

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