Chapter 10

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Part 3

Then they met in the hall where Hokage was.

"Dear young ninjas, congratulations on advancing to the third round, but there will be preliminaries between you before that. Since there are too many of you, we will start immediately after a short break." Everyone was shocked. And Sasuke's neck began to hurt.

"S-Sasuke-kun, I think you shouldn't fight."

"Don't get involved, that's my business," said coldly Sasuke.

"Sasuke, don't be so rude to Hinata! She just asked a question!" Sasuke ignored him which irritated Naruto.

"That's all right, Naruto-kun."

"Are you sure?" She nodded. Kakashi came to them.

"Sasuke, you should be disqualified."


"I know it's not your fault, but Orochimaru's Curse mark is a big problem."

"I don't care, I will fight!"

"I knew there would be no talk with you. We'll talk after your match." Sasuke nodded.

"One more thing, who wants to resign now, sign up!" said Hokage.

"I want to resign!" said Kabuto.

"Kabuto-san, why?!"

"Heh, these exams are just too much for me. Maybe we'll see each other next time," said Kabuto and left with his team. Kin and Zaku managed to get the scrolls, but they had to resign because they lost Dosu. When they were leaving, they glared at Naruto.

"W-what's wrong with them?"

"Maybe I should tell him," thought Hinata.

"First match! Uchiha Sasuke - Akado Yoroi!" Kakashi looked at Sasuke. Sasuke just smirked.

"Good luck! Sasuke-kun!" yelled Sakura.

"You can do it, Sasuke-kun!" yelled Ino. Then she was arguing with Sakura.

"How did we even get here? What a drag..." Although Sasuke had trouble at first, he eventually won.

"We'll see each other in the finals! Dattebayo!"

"Heh, Naruto, I want to fight with you too." Naruto didn't expect him to say anything like that.

"Count on it!"

"Next match! Aburame Shino - TenTen!"

"I-I should fight with Shino?!"

"I'm looking forward to our match."

"Heeh? How did you get here?!"

"I'm here all the time." They went to the battlefield together. TenTen attacked first. But her weapons caught Shino with his beetles.

"H-he caught it!"

"Is that all you got?" TenTen came up with another lineup.

"What about this?!" She threw many different weapons in his direction.

"I'm just a bad opponent for you." Shino caught it again and then he send his beetles at TenTen.


"Aburame Shino is the winner!"

"T-that was good," said TenTen.

"Thanks." Shino helped her up.

"Shino, who would have thought you are so strong!"

"I expect the same from you two."

"Chips?" asked Choji eating chips.

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