Chapter 54

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"Hinata, evening is slowly approaching, we should get ready." Hinata nodded. Naruto wanted to help them in any way, but Hito wouldn't let him. It's midnight. The ritual proceeded as always, but the consumption of chakra became higher and higher. Therefore, Hinata must train regularly to increase her chakra maximum.

Naruto couldn’t be amazed more. Hito was forced to stick duct tape on his mouth so as not to disturb Hinata. He was most surprised by her eyes and the green glow. He had seen a similar glow in Sakura's healing techniques. Naruto couldn't stand it until the end and fell asleep.

"Why did he actually come here?" thought Hito. Hinata already knew how to work on the ritual. That's why she made no mistakes and everything went smoothly. The next day they were awakened by the first falling snow.

"W-what…?" Hinata awoke and wiped her eyes. Naruto also woke up. Hinata sat down and suddenly a snowflake fell on her nose.

"It's … it’s so cold."

"Show me!" Naruto wiped the snowflake with his finger.

"But it was cute." Hinata looked at him questioningly. Her nose and cheeks were completely red and she began to shake.

"You are cold!" He lent her his sweatshirt.

"W-wait, it will be cold for you now!"

"You know, I'm pretty hardy, and I can't stand the thought of you being cold." She blushed.

"You should go back to the village, they need you now," said Hito.

"You are right, thank you," said Hinata.

"No need to thank me, just go." So they went to the village together. She was still in a terrible state after Pain's attack.

"Ho, isn’t that Naruto?!"

"You are right, it is Naruto!" Everyone rushed to Naruto.

„L"W-what’s happening?"

"Naruto, we are extremely grateful for what you did!"

"Hahah…" Naruto nervously laughed.

"We probably wouldn't have survived without you…"

"Don't exaggerate, I'm not the only one who fought Pain. For example Hinata fought him too, and saved my life."

"I-it's not exactly like that…" said Hinata.

"Did you really fight Pain?"

"I was rather getting wounds from him…"

"You saved Naruto, our hero, we are extremely grateful to you too." She blushed. But then they noticed something.

"Why are you actually wearing Naruto's clothes?" They both denied, but the villagers are not so stupid.

"It was time to find a girl, Naruto!" They patted him on the back.

"When you think…"

"So it's true, this charming young lady is your girlfriend!"

"Yes, it's true!" said proudly Naruto and put his arm around her neck.

"In that case, we wish you good luck."

"T-thank you, you are very nice..." said nervously Hinata. The truth about their relationship spread throughout the village.

"Naruto!!!" yelled Sakura.

"What happened, Sakura-chan?!"

"Not that you do anything to Hinata, she's the best girl you could ever have," she said.

"I know that very well." He smiled.

"Hinata, I'm so happy for you, if he does something to you, tell me right away and I'll kick him!" said seriously Sakura. Naruto swallowed.

Author's note: I won't release the next chapter until Christmas.

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