Return - Chapter 2

Start from the beginning

I felt my mind wonder on what I should do now. Until it settles on going back and showing the trio how much of a pushover I am now. I feel myself grin and I take off to my small house. Once inside I pack the small things I'll need. I packed my amour, food, my axe, my crossbow, arrows, enderpearls, my shield and I packed extra clothes and things I'll need like that. I stayed as light as possible. I exited my house and walked to the stable. I found my house and soon enough I found myself on the road. As soon as I exited high pixel I pulled down my hood, mask and bandanna. It felt so nice to take that off...

Time Skip
I began to recognise the land that surrounded me and I quickly pulled up my hood, mask and bandanna to hide my features. I knew I was in the smp's land now. I continued to ride through for a little bit longer until I came across a path where I was bullied WAY too often on. I smiled knowing I wasn't going to let that happen anymore.

As I continued down the path not caring if my house was damaging it I pulled my horse to a stop as I heard bushes rustle. I smirked and jumped off my horse, gripping my axe and walking towards the bush. As I got closer I watched an arrow fly out and land at my feet.

"W-Why are you here!" I heard a shaky voice say. I watched as a young Tommyinnit walk out of the bush with a bow aimed at me. Memories flooded my mind from when we were really close and how he would constantly say he would beat up the trio for hurting me.

I pulled down my hood, mask and bandanna letting my hair fly in the wind. I watched Tommy's eyes widen as he dropped the bow and ran up to me hugging me. I laughed and hugged him back.
"W-Wait y/n? You're wisp!?" He half yelled pulling out of the hug.
"How do you know wisp?" I asked confused. I didn't think they'd see or even hear of my fights because of the distance between high pixel and here.
"What do you mea- never mind! Techno would come here and tell everyone stories of someone called wisp moving up the leaderboard towards his title! He would take videos of you fighting and show everyone" I smirked widely and felt myself glow with pride.
"Well, can you keep a secret so I can surprise everyone and make my grand entrance?" He laughed and agreed.

"Wait omg! You need to say hello to Tubbo and Wilbur!"
"Tommy! Surprise remember?"
"Oh yeah! When are you going to surprise everyone?" I think for a moment.
"When does techno usually tell his stories about me?" I watch Tommy look down at his wrist before his eyes widen.
"Uh usually about now?..."
"WHAT!? omg we need to go!" Tommy nods and we walk through the bushes so I wouldn't be seen.

"Ok Tommy I need you to act like normal, when techno finishes his story ask him questions about me and I'll join when the time is right, ok?"
"Yeah!" He said excitedly.

I watch Tommy walk over to the campfire which everyone had gathered around to hear technos story of the day. By everyone I mean Wilbur, Tubbo, Niki and Fundy. The spot I had chosen was just in hearing reach, it was perfect. I made myself comfortable and techno began his story of what happened today. He started from when he looked at the leaderboard and asked to duel me, he told them about how I was a fair fighter, I had a good taste in weapons, he described my armour in a lot of detail, he described what happened during the fight and he also ended the story saying he was now second on the leaderboard.

"Wait-Wait? So wisp... has taken your spot?" Tommy asks.
"Yeah, did I not just say that?" Techno replys with his monotone voice.
"That's amazing! Well... sad for you... but amazing! I mean your literally the blood god" Tubbo says sounding excited and intrigued. Blood god? Why is he called the blood god? Oh whatever, I'm going to enter now.

I stood up from my seat and make sure my hood, mask and bandanna are secure. I walk into techno's view and I could see him smile from under his mask.
"Welcome stranger" he says causing the boys heads to turn. I smile under my mask, before I take it off along with the hood and bandanna. The boys eyes widen and Tubbo is the first to run and give me a hug. "Y/N!" He yells. I chuckle and hug him back.
"Good to see you Tubbo" I say pulling away from the hug. Niki was next, Wilbur and then finally Fundy.

"Y/N! What the hell!" Wilbur yells when I finish hugging Fundy. "H-How?" I laugh and look down at myself.
"I honestly don't know" I laugh. "It... just happened"
"Well it's good to have you back" Wilbur says pulling me into another hug.
"It's good to be back" I smile before pulling out of the hug.

"Well only one more thing to do" I say putting my hood, mask and bandanna back on. The boys look confused. "I need to introduce myself to the trio" I smirk. Tommy smiles widely, while the other boys look confused. Techno just sits in the corner silently cheering and mouth 'woo'.
"I'll be fine, you don't need to worry" I say giving the boys one last hug. "I'll be back at l'manburg before morning, trust"
The boys nod and I head off to find the trio.

I walk down the familiar path until a lit arrow lands on the path infront of me slowly burning the wood. I smirk and turn around. Standing a few feet behind me stands exactly who I was looking for. Dream was standing in the middle as confident as ever holding his axe, George to his left with his bow and Sapnap to his right with his sword. I glance over them starting at George, then to Dream and finally to Sapnap. Although I feel my gaze stop on Sapnap for much longer than needed. What the hell eyes!...

I look away and just in time too. I watch as another arrow flies through the air towards me, I feel time around me slow down as I jump and lean back landing on my hands and then flicking myself back to my feet. When I stand up again and see the arrow burning into a nearby tree, I feel myself greatful I learnt gymnastics, and I actually managed to pull off the back handspring.

I pull of my hood, mask and bandanna before standing there smiling at the 3 boys standing motionless infront of me. "Shocked boys?" I laughed, they quickly closed their mouths and I watched Sapnap's cheeks begin to turn a light pink.

"Y/N?!" George yells almost dropping his bow.
"One and only" I smirk.
"Oh this will be fun" I hear Dream smirk before running full speed towards me.

I watch Dream jump into the air like techno did during our duel, as Dream begins to drop to the ground he positions his axe towards me. I tighten my grip on my axe and as he gets closer I whip it up blocking his hit. When his feet touched the ground and his axe began tangled in mine I took it to my opportunity and stepped closer to him placing one of my feet behind his. I twisted the axes having mine have the upper hand and pushing against his. I smile, twist my axe down pushing his towards me and shove him back, my plan works perfectly and he trips over my foot landing on this back getting the air blown out of his lungs. I now had his axe which I used to place at his neck.

I look back over to George and Sapnap. They both stood stunned at what had just happened. I smirked back at Dream who had just opened his eyes and caught his breath. I twist his axe around handing it to him handle first. He hesitantly takes it and stand back up. I could see him smirk out of the bottom of his mask.

"So you're wisp?" He says. "Good job being second on the leaderboard" he chuckles wanting to get under my skin.
"Actually try first" a monotone voice says behind me. Dream stops laughing and switches his gaze to technoblade who was now standing next to me with a hand in my shoulder.
"She beat me, she's first on the leaderboard" Dream looks embarrassed and insanely awkward. "Well I've got to go, but I'll talk to you later" he says towards me. I nod and he disappears out of view the way he came.

Dream sighs before offering his hand out.
"Are we good?" He asks looking sorry. I think about it for a second before nodding. I shouldn't hold grudges... but if they dare walk over me again it's going to be different.
I reach out and shake his hand. George and Sapnap appear behind him closer now.

"I really hate to ask... but could I duel you? I mean you beat technoblade and Dream! I want to see how talented you actually are now" Sapnap asks stepping closer. I smile.
"I mean if you're ready to get your ass kicked" he smirked.
"Game on" he smirked pulling out his sword challenging me. I do the same and pull out my axe.
"Ladies! We have a stadium!" Dream yells.
"God... be civilised for once" he rolls his eyes.
George looks at him with the 'wtf' face. He stared at Dream like he had killed his whole family and blamed it on the cheese. I look at Sapnap barely been able to hold back his laughter and I do the same.

Dream rolls his eyes again. "Ok whatever, let's just go" he says walking off annoyed. I burst out laughing not being able to hold it anymore causing Sapnap to do the same. Once we calm down we run to catch up with Dream and George.

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