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˜”*°• one •°*”˜

You cautiously tread amongst the marble floor of the Green Palace. Left to your own accord as the squires trained in the training ground for knights and squires. All of them fervently gushing about reaching their "true" potential, whatever that could possibly mean. Their supposed leader being an old man named Wu, guiding them to knighthood.

Even if no one knew who you were, they treated you with the upmost kindness and gentleness. It was overwhelming to say the least, especially since you'll be taking care of the next king of the country.

I wonder why they thought a girl with no memory can take care of a child, I hardly even know myself.

You ponder as you step outside, the sweet sunlight hitting your skin as the doors behind you close. A path made out of brick was laid out in front of you, beckoning you to take it and see where it leads. As you were preoccupied, a small figure was following you with great interest.


Sauntering gracefully as you went down the path, you couldn't help but hum. A gleeful tune stuck in your head as you desperately tried to recall the previous events of your life.

It was certainly not blank, but it was indeed foggy. Only a storm and a woman calling out your name was what you could only recall.

Why was the woman calling out your name? You don't have the slightest clue.

You shook your head as you remember the prince. The young boy, being so little, thought all girls had cooties.

"You're taking care of me?! But girls are icky!".

The thought of it made you giggle as you sway yourself on the path.

Feeling free, you start singing.

"Where is the land I come from?

Who lives where I was born?

Why do my memories start with a storm?"

You start hopping on each individual brick, looking down on your feet so you won't trip.

"What if I have a family?

Somewhere beyond the sea?

Could there be someone there missing me?".

Clutching your chest, you stop in the middle of the path. Your voice going higher as you sing to your heart's content.

"Tell me why I'm not sleeping

And my heart is leaping inside me

Could this be one of those times when your feelings decide".

Standing there, a pair of eyes watch your little performance from the convenience of a tree. The green foliage completely hiding their presence.

The fluidity of your movements incorporate beauty and grace. Allowing you to look ethereal amongst the other beauty of the greenery. Your voice was princess like, unbefitting of the servant clothes you wore now.

𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐢𝐭𝐲 | 𝙻𝚕𝚘𝚢𝚍 𝙶. 𝚇 𝙵!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now