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You closed your eyes against the sun's glow. A cool breeze brushing against your skin as you open the wooden windows of your quarters. Stepping out onto the cobblestone balcony, you couldn't help propping your hands onto the metal railings.

Being up so high gave you a whole new perspective of the kingdom of Ninjago. A place protected by the knights and ruled over by the soon to be king, Lloyd Garmadon. The former king, King Garmadon, was banished into the Cursed Realm in a bid to defeat an uprising led by a man named Chen.

As you pondered, you rested your head against the palm of your hand, taking in the azure colored sky.

Will this kingdom ever have a normal day?

Peering out into the open, a loud ruckus was heard underneath you.

"LOOK OUT!", a rather feminine voice yelled out in panic as a sword came hurdling towards you.

Your eyes widened, your body maneuvering itself quickly as the shiny weaponry went past you and clattered onto the floor. Your gaze meets the weapon as a prominent frown makes it way on your face.

There was only one band of knights that were known throughout the kingdom for these kind of weapons.

You swiftly bend down and take the sword by the handle, stepping towards the balcony once more. You lean a little forward as you surveyed the people that were directly below you.

While doing so, you discovered a young woman with jet black hair making her way towards a spot that was directly in your line of sight. Her gunmetal gray eyes focusing on your form as she dragged a spiky haired brunette by the ear. Two other men accompanied her as they seemed unfazed, all of them wearing an ensemble of their preferred color.

"Sorry about that ___!", the woman apologized, concern lacing her tone.

You narrow your eyes as you clutched the weapon, "Sheesh Kai, you got to work on your aim!", you teased as the spiky haired man ripped his sister's hand from his ear. His face bursting into the same shade of red as his outfit.

As the group laughed, a young man with curly auburn hair dressed in dark blue looked up above, seeing the balcony that ___ previously occupied was now empty. He looked around until a hand gently slapped his arm, causing him to jump up in fear. For a split second, ___ colored eyes met cobalt blue eyes as the man collapsed onto the floor.

"And I thought Jay couldn't have gotten more embarrassing", a man with obsidian hair remarked, ruffling your hair as you giggled.

"We get it Cole, you love him", you sarcastically say as you adjust your hair, before poking Kai's shoulder. The embarrassed brunette turns his body towards you as you gently place the weapon into his hands, both of your fingers grazing each others.

"Be careful, don't want you to get cut!", you hummed.

Kai rolled his eyes, putting the blade back into its holster.

"___!", the black haired woman enthusiastically yelled as she wrapped her muscular arms around you, lifting you up as she twirled your body in midair.

"Nya!", you say as the corner of your lips lifted higher, your eyes meeting with the light blue clad girl.

"I too shall join", a rather posh voice spoke out as another set of arms wrap around you. A white blur coming into your vision. It was cold, but not unwelcomed as your ___ orbs meet with the icy blues of Zane.

Kai and Cole shrugged before you grab them and hug them, all the while Jay is unconscious.

You reluctantly let go as you wipe a tear of happiness from your eye. "So what actually brings you here?", you inquired as one of your eyebrows raised quizzically.

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