No Man's Land

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Season 1, Episode 4:  No Man's Land
Overall Episode Number:  4
Created by:  Shonda Rhimes

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"Intimacy is a four-syllable word for, 'Here are my heart and soul. Please grind them into hamburger and enjoy.' It's both desired and feared, difficult to live with......and impossible to live without. Intimacy also comes attached to life's three R's: Relatives, romance and roommates. There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know."

- Meredith Grey

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Meredith ran into Derek after she left the locker room.

"You're here early."

Derek nodded. "I have a cordotomy at 5:00. I'll be out at 6:00. I thought I might buy your breakfast before your rounds."

"I've already eaten." Meredith told him.

Derek looked surprised. "What'd you have?"

Meredith wouldn't cave. "None of your business."

"You a cereal person? Straight out of the box? Or all fruit and fiber-y?" He laughed. "Pancakes? Do you like pancakes?"

Meredith caved. "Fine, leftover grilled cheese. Curiosity satisfied?"

Derek shook his head. "That's sad. It's pathetic. A good day starts with a good breakfast."

Meredith looked at Derek. "Look, I'm not being seen with you in this hospital. Learn it, live it. It's unprofessional."

Derek shrugged. "I'm just an attending getting to know one of his interns."

"He slept with the intern." Meredith reminded.

"Barely knew her." Derek argued.

Meredith nodded. "And it should stay that way."

Derek caved. "You want me to be professional? I'll be professional."

Meredith nodded. "That's what I want."

"Then that's what you get." Derek agreed.

"You're gonna be late for your cordotomy." Meredith told him.

Derek nodded. "Nice talking to you, Dr. Grey."

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Mackenzie was sleeping in one of the on-call rooms. Since Derek needed to be at the hospital so early for his surgery, she decided to finish sleeping in an on-call room. She even locked the door so no one could come in and interrupt her.

The loud ringing of Mackenzie's alarm from her phone woke her up, and she gazed tiredly at the screen that displayed the time.

5:00 am.

Mackenzie groaned and shut her alarm off. She hated waking up so early in the morning. She thought she could sleep in an extra hour until she received a text from Derek.

From Papa:  Morning angel! I got pulled out of surgery today, and I have a guy with seven nails in his head. Thought I'd let you know. Have a great day, baby girl! Xoxo, Papa :3

Mackenzie beamed at her father's text. Derek wasn't tech savvy at all, so Mackenzie had to teach him how to text on his phone. But hey, it's the thought that counts.

Mackenzie decided to go to the nearest cafeteria, grabbing a blueberry muffin and some orange juice. She paid accordingly and decided to eat her food at the nearest nurse's station.

"Good morning Mackenzie." Greeted Richard.

Mackenzie finished chewing and she swallowed her mouthful of muffin. "Good morning Chief."

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