Thanks for the Memories

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Season 2, Episode 9: Thanks for the Memories
Overall Episode Number: 18
Created by: Shonda Rhimes

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Gratitude, appreciation, giving thanks. No matter what words you use, it all means the same thing. Happy. We're supposed to be happy. Grateful for friends, family, happy to just be alive... whether we like it or not.

- Meredith Grey

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A ferryboat is sailing across Seattle harbor. Derek is onboard with a cup of coffee. Addison is onboard with him.

"Hey, you. I saw you from the window and... looked like you could use a wake up call." Addison said.

"I thought you moved to a hotel closer to the hospital. You still at the Inn at Bainbridge?" Derek asked as she hands him the coffee. "Thank you."

Addison nodded. "Mm-hmm. Yeah, I had a thing for ferryboats."

"Always, you know, what the mocking," Derek replied.

Addison cleared her throat. "So um... I was thinking that we could... have sex tonight." Derek half chuckles slightly disconcerted by the idea. "Look, I know we're both gonna feel weird about it. It's the first time..."

"Since Mark," Derek finished.

"And Meredith." Addison added. "I have the day off. Do you have the day off?"

"Just stop by the hospital. I have patients I need to check on. You have the day off, what are you doing here?" Derek asked.

Addison shrugs. "Was thinking we could have sex tonight." Derek turns slightly at this. "Come on, I made a reservation at noon. I figured we could do the Thanksgiving thing, you know, and then... I don't know, just rip the stitches. Get it over with."

"No anesthesia?" Derek questioned.

"Right... what do you think?"

"Remember med school? We spent Thanksgiving studying for exams and eating really bad Chinese food instead of turkey." Derek reminisced.

Addison nods. "Yeah, too busy and too tired to even think about cooking."

"We never had to schedule sex. Not once."

Addison sighs. "Derek, I wanna get through this. I do. I want things to be normal again, like it used to be. So will you meet me at noon?"

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you at noon," Derek said.

"What about Mackenzie? She's always been used to the big Thanksgiving dinners we had at your mother's house," Addison commented.

"She asked if she could stay with Meredith for Thanksgiving; said she wanted to spend her first Thanksgiving in Seattle with her new friends."

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At Meredith's house, George is rushing down the stairs with his family.

George's father, Harold O'Malley, stood at the bottom of the stairs. "Hurry up Georgie! There's a turkey out there with your name on it." He walks past the kitchen where Izzie and Mackenzie are getting out utensils to start cooking. Izzie sees George being whisked away.

"Whoa, hey!" She runs into the main foyer entrance. "Hey! Where are you going?" Izzie grabs George by his jacket to stop him from leaving. "Hey, where are you going?"

George's family waits at the door.

"Every year, my father, my brothers and I hunt, shoot and kill a helpless slow moving turkey," George answered. "Isn't that great?" He asked sarcastically.

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